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Thread: Slin IM or SC injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Slin IM or SC injection

    I take my slin shots subcutaneous can I still make the same gains as Intermuscular shots, I have heard that intermuscular is better, is there any diference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    You can take hcg intra vaneous, intra muscular or sub cutaneous. I have only tried intra muscular but at the end of the cycle I'm on now I'm gonna try intravaneous.

    I know that subcutaneous injections are absorbed faster while intra muscular takes more time because of the fat depots. Or it could be the other way around. But I do know for fact that one is absorbed quicker than the other. Also, I'm guessing that intra-vaneous is the quickest way since it goes directly to your blood stream. But once again I'm not sure, so if you die please don't hold a grudge against me. LOL

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    You can take hcg intra vaneous, intra muscular or sub cutaneous. I have only tried intra muscular but at the end of the cycle I'm on now I'm gonna try intravaneous.

    I know that subcutaneous injections are absorbed faster while intra muscular takes more time because of the fat depots. Or it could be the other way around. But I do know for fact that one is absorbed quicker than the other. Also, I'm guessing that intra-vaneous is the quickest way since it goes directly to your blood stream. But once again I'm not sure, so if you die please don't hold a grudge against me. LOL
    Why would you even post this crap at all!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    You can take hcg intra vaneous, intra muscular or sub cutaneous. I have only tried intra muscular but at the end of the cycle I'm on now I'm gonna try intravaneous.

    I know that subcutaneous injections are absorbed faster while intra muscular takes more time because of the fat depots. Or it could be the other way around. But I do know for fact that one is absorbed quicker than the other. Also, I'm guessing that intra-vaneous is the quickest way since it goes directly to your blood stream. But once again I'm not sure, so if you die please don't hold a grudge against me. LOL
    This might possible be the dumbest post I've read.

    Do NOT inject intra-vaneous! Intra muscular is the quickest absorbed, from what I understand it will cut the halflife in half. Some people also claim you can spot inject for lagging muscle groups. I'm in the process of experimenting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Dude I"m not even going to comment on this one

  6. #6
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    Back from the dead.....
    yeah u shoot im to cut the halflife down, thus making it safer to use. less time having to watch for signs of going hypo...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    This might possible be the dumbest post I've read.
    No...I've read quite a few of his other posts.I'm deciding which one is more idiotic than the other.Total tool!!!

    He's actually very dangerous in the steroid forum...extremely dangerous advice given!


  8. #8
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    Oct 2005
    All I said was HCG, not oil or other drugs. HCG can be injected intra-vaneous.

    Pinn, why all the beef bro? I never said shit towards you? If I'm 160 lbs. and wanna take roids it's my f*king choice. I think you're a little less condident than most on this board, I see your post's too and all you do is talk sh*t towards others. Obviously you have issues.

    I give dangerous advice? Show me one or two posts that I have writen that is so called "dangerous." I'll be waiting till I die for your post. (Unless you make a fake one, lol.)

  9. #9
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    Oct 2005
    I appologize if you gentlemen thought I meant slin, I said HCG and I realize that his question was for slin. So once again I appologize. But you can take hcg intra vaneous.

  10. #10
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector

    I give dangerous advice? Show me one or two posts that I have writen that is so called "dangerous." I'll be waiting till I die for your post. (Unless you make a fake one, lol.)
    Dangerous and POOR adivice fall in the same category.Here's one example.I'm still looking for the posts you made telling guys to shoot Prop every three days.

    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Well If this is your first cycle then cut the sust to only 250mg every five days..
    Now that's sound advice...sust every 5 days?


  11. #11
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    Oct 2005
    First of all, I didn't tell anyone to shoot prop every three days, I asked if it was okay for me to shot prop every three days. Now that I have learned from other bro's that are willing to take their time to explain things that they know, just as I do, I will only inject it every day or every other day.

    How is taking 250mg of sust every five days dangerous? The only difference is that you are not taking advantage of the propionate ester?

    Dangerous and poor advice don't fall in the same category. Dangerous means: injury or fatal, while poor means: not maximizing full benefits of a steroid or drug

    Anything else you wanna downgrade me for?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    First of all, I didn't tell anyone to shoot prop every three days,
    Oh really?

    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    . . Take 25-50mg of prop every three days, no need to split it up. Feel free to ask more ?'s


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yeah okay!!! First of all, I have not seen that thread so who knows what it was being referenced to. Regardless, how is that fatal or harmful. I think your little dumb recommendations of 1 gram of test a week is alot more harmful than taking less. Why am I even wasting my time with you. What goes around comes around, that's why you got hit by the hurricane. Don't even talk anymore sh*t till you post pics because you're probably fat and think that being a walking water tower is better than being shredded.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    come on guys keep it decent here, don't let this get into a pissing contest.


  15. #15
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Yeah okay!!! First of all, I have not seen that thread so who knows what it was being referenced to. Regardless, how is that fatal or harmful. I think your little dumb recommendations of 1 gram of test a week is alot more harmful than taking less. Why am I even wasting my time with you. What goes around comes around, that's why you got hit by the hurricane. Don't even talk anymore sh*t till you post pics because you're probably fat and think that being a walking water tower is better than being shredded.
    The hurricane comment is below the belt. People lost everything they had.
    I have gotten nothing but good advice from Pinn. He has never recomended that I run 1 gram of test a week. He has given valid reasons why it might become necessary to run upwards of 1 gram at some point in your future cycles though...

  16. #16
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    Oct 2005
    Okay, you are right about the hurrican deal, but this guy has given me sh*t since day one on here. WTF does it matter when I start juicing weight-wise? I'm 21 going on to 22 and I'm fine. I don't plan on being bigger than 215-225. I already gained like 20lbs. naturally. And it's very hard for me to gain weight past that, my diet and everything else is in sound check. Regardless, I'm not even going to start a flame war with Pinn cuz I can see plenty of other members who feel the same way about him.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    come on guys keep it decent here, don't let this get into a pissing contest.

    BTW, you're one pretty big mother f*cker. You look like your tall too. You must be 250-260lbs. ripped? I'm not , I just wanted to tell you that ever since I saw your avatar.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Back from the dead.....
    not trying to add fuel to the fire, but I thought u were 25? Your profile says born 1980...

  19. #19
    This thread just keeps getting better!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    let's stop this bullsh!tting and go back to the original thread.


  21. #21
    It's been answered, correct? Unless he wants studies.

  22. #22
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    You can take hcg intra vaneous, intra muscular or sub cutaneous. I have only tried intra muscular but at the end of the cycle I'm on now I'm gonna try intravaneous.

    I know that subcutaneous injections are absorbed faster while intra muscular takes more time because of the fat depots. Or it could be the other way around. But I do know for fact that one is absorbed quicker than the other. Also, I'm guessing that intra-vaneous is the quickest way since it goes directly to your blood stream. But once again I'm not sure, so if you die please don't hold a grudge against me. LOL
    Yeah - I prefer to have my IV drip set to 1:1 Fina/Prop...

    This is one for that funny AR quotes thread - someone find it! I'm going to bed...

    Sorry dude... for some reason I just can't stop laughing...

  23. #23
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ACAZORES
    I take my slin shots subcutaneous can I still make the same gains as Intermuscular shots, I have heard that intermuscular is better, is there any diference?
    sure you would make gains when shooting slin subq but when shooting it IM we cut the duration time in half. this way we don't have to watch our fat intake longer then necesery(and less time of risking going hypo). remember that we take slin to shutle nutrients to our muscle when they need it the most ie pwo. by shooting an short acting slin IM we acomplisch this as fast as possible. and since we shoot slin with a slinpin you won't feel a thing of it even when shot IM.


  24. #24
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    No, I'm 22 soon.

  25. #25
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    When it comes to fast absorption, IV is the best way to go about it. However, some compounds just shouldn't be taken IV even i it works better, and this is simply because of the side effects risks. One of these compounds that shouldn't be taken IV is insulin. Insulin should only be taken IM or Sub-Q. Even though IM works faster and has a higher absorbency rate, you still may not be able to tell the difference (results wise) when comparing IM and Sub-Q.


  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    All I said was HCG, not oil or other drugs. HCG can be injected intra-vaneous.
    You insinuated that you could shoot slin the same way. THAT WOULD MESS YOU UP. Someone should you

  27. #27
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    sure you would make gains when shooting slin subq but when shooting it IM we cut the duration time in half. this way we don't have to watch our fat intake longer then necesery(and less time of risking going hypo). remember that we take slin to shutle nutrients to our muscle when they need it the most ie pwo. by shooting an short acting slin IM we acomplisch this as fast as possible. and since we shoot slin with a slinpin you won't feel a thing of it even when shot IM.

    Thats your answer could not be clearer. Thanks for clearing everything up rodge, but holy F**K this tread would be funny if it were not so dangerous.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector injector
    You can take hcg intra vaneous, intra muscular or sub cutaneous. I have only tried intra muscular but at the end of the cycle I'm on now I'm gonna try intravaneous.

    I know that subcutaneous injections are absorbed faster while intra muscular takes more time because of the fat depots. Or it could be the other way around. But I do know for fact that one is absorbed quicker than the other. Also, I'm guessing that intra-vaneous is the quickest way since it goes directly to your blood stream. But once again I'm not sure, so if you die please don't hold a grudge against me. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Why would you even post this crap at all!


    he is an expert !
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 11-26-2005 at 01:09 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=RedBaron]With respect to insulin, I think everything has already been said. SubQ and IM are going to equate to similar results ... but the nod goes toward IM for two reasons. It hits much faster and harder (thus getting the nutrients into the muscles we have worked quicker and in more abundance), and it clears out faster (so we can resume eating a normal diet without looking like the Michelin man).

    Just wondering if you had something to back this up?? some people say that Sub has a 63% absorbtion and IM of 53% and then some say IM hits you faster!
    Now witch is the safess. some say IM is unpredictable when slin reaches peaks
    Help anyone!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Sure ... I've got some charts plotting out the difference in IM vs. subQ from a while back somewhere in my files. I will dig them up and post them. I believe there are a few already floating around here in ancient posts. I know Einstein1905 and a couple of others experimented on themselves and posted some data a year or two back and posted it here. You can probably do a search and dig up enough data to demonstrate the differences in effect. At any rate, when I get a couple of minutes, I will dig up those graphs and post them for you.

    As long as you follow the protocol you read about here and other places post insulin injection, IM is far from unpredictable or dangerous ... You do have to be ready though. It will hit within a matter of minutes, so if you are lazy or lax in your timing and amounts of carbs you will certainly have problems ... but that would be the case with subQ as well.
    thx buddy. get back to me on those charts i would realy appreciat this!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    ottawa, canadian monkey

  32. #32
    I like to see them as well. bump.

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