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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1


    Can someone help walk me through HCG?I have 2000iu amps of HCG, slin pins and steril vials and bact. water...

    1. Do I load the amp with water from a slin pin or regular pin?
    2. How much water do I load into the pin?
    3. For 250iu would I go to 25 units on a slin pin @ 1cc of water?

    Once I concentrate the HCG, how long is it good for?
    Could I put 10000iu's into a 10ml vial withouth it going bad?

    This is how I'm planning on doing it...
    1. using a regular pin and loading 2cc of bact. water into 2000iu amp
    2. tranfering to amp and twirling gently
    3. loading 4 darts with 250iu and refrigerating
    4. injecting!

    If I wanted 500 iu shots and added 1cc of water...would 25 units on a slin be 500iu's?
    Hopefully I have it right.

  2. #2
    trial and error I guess...fuq it...put 2cc of water into 2000iu amp...drew 8 pins at 250 units...when I pushed harder on the pin it stung a little bit...went slow and couldn't feel anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    It good fpr 30-60 days when using BW


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Yah. You are good for up to 60 days in the fridge. HCG has you balls ready for the signal from the brain, which, I have heard does not take as long as re-growing your nuts. I have nothing to back this up.
    I like to cut it w/ bacteriostatic water and do 29-30 guage inj every day @ about 200 iu. Keeps things normal during cycle. Just stop before or at the same time you start PCT.
    I am somewhat unconventional, but it works well for me. I have been at this long enough to see what works (for me).
    Buena suerte amigo.


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