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Thread: How Would You Use 1000mcg of Clen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    How Would You Use 1000mcg of Clen?

    I have a 50 tab bottle of Clen tablets (20mcg a piece) and want to make sure that'll cover PCT or at least help me hold some extra muscle. What do you reccommend? I hope that's enough, even if it's not, how would you run it over PCT assuming I'm looking about about a 4-week PCT period of Nolva & Clomid? 25 days at 40mcg a piece? I've also heard of 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off Clen cycles, tapering up and then back down, but I'd like to see what people here have to say first.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    n cali
    Personally I started with 40mcg, splitting the doses and worked my way up to 120mcg. Now I did this over quite a few 2wk on 2wk off cycles but I built up a tolerance for sure. I don't really like clen now it gave me really bad shakes and I was always hot, my girl didn't like that because she couldn't cuddle with me

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