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Thread: An abcess/infection can't form the day after one's first injection, correct?

  1. #1

    An abcess/infection can't form the day after one's first injection, correct?

    a friend explained to me that the 'lump' (depot/bolus) i have from my first shot of enanthate is normal and thats how the ester works, gradually getting absorbed from that lump

    he thinks the extreme pain i have is due to

    1) it was my first injection and everybody's first hurts

    2) i was shaking really bad and the needle was all over the place, destroying tissue

    today it seems SLIGHTLY better, but the skin around my injectin site is now pink and puffy

    as it was explained to me, an infection can't form by only 24 hours after the injection. is this correct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Beyond Swole
    An infection can form overnight. But dont get all nervous yet? Is it hot to the touch? Very tender or just sore?

  3. #3
    very tender and sore. i limp when i walk and its extremely hard to sit on that side

    not hot to the touch though and i dont have a fever

  4. #4
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by cockdiesel87
    very tender and sore. i limp when i walk and its extremely hard to sit on that side

    not hot to the touch though and i dont have a fever
    This is quite common.Sounds as though you have an inflamation.Keep an eye on it.

    In the future,massage the injection site to disperse the oil.


  5. #5
    will this gradually go away as my body gets use to the injections?

  6. #6
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    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by cockdiesel87
    will this gradually go away as my body gets use to the injections?

  7. #7
    really great to hear. ill still keep an eye on it though

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Land of milk and honey.
    With some brands of test, I have to cut it/ add something else so there is no pain. Some brands this does not happen because they have difffent levels of ingredients, ie BA. What I do is do a test and EQ cycle, when I mix the two together I never have a sore injection spot, ever. Test by itself can be sore for 2-3 days, depending on the ester and the level of BA in the mixture.

  9. #9
    what about tren and test?

  10. #10
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    Yeah just keep an eye on it.. as long as it is not hot to the touch and u are not running a fever u shld be ok...

  11. #11
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    ill go out on a limb and say you injected too fast. its the #1 cause in my opinion of the sore red lumps. i used to get them til i figured out to inject about 1cc every 20 seconds or so. you have to push slow to give the oil time to disperse as you inject it. if you shoot it right in it will bind together in a lump and take forever to disperse.. try shooting super slow next time and see what happens..

  12. #12
    yup i did inject too fast now that i think about it

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    ill go out on a limb and say you injected too fast. its the #1 cause in my opinion of the sore red lumps. i used to get them til i figured out to inject about 1cc every 20 seconds or so. you have to push slow to give the oil time to disperse as you inject it. if you shoot it right in it will bind together in a lump and take forever to disperse.. try shooting super slow next time and see what happens..

    That sounds right bro.... That's 1 of the reasons why I use 25g pins... it slows u down....

  14. #14
    im going to switch to quad injections since i can't really reach glutes comfortably

    is 23g too big for quads?

  15. #15
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    Try 25g, it'll make you go slow cuz that oil will only come out but so fast.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockdiesel87
    im going to switch to quad injections since i can't really reach glutes comfortably

    is 23g too big for quads?
    the higher the gage the thinner the pin... like mike said 25g will slow your shot down... 23g are not bad either, but I definitely feel a difference between them and 25g...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by cockdiesel87
    will this gradually go away as my body gets use to the injections?
    no way, not necessarily


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i use 23 for quads myself 1.5 inch too. i only use 25 for smaller muscles such as delts.. good luck just slow it down and youll see there is much less pain.

  19. #19
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    Rub Aspercreme or Icy Hot over the injection site after you shoot and then massage the site for a couple minutes. That's what I do and I have ZERO pain from my test cyp shots.

  20. #20
    well its starting to swell up really bad. an area about the size of my fist. but the pinkish color is going away and turning back to white. its only about 10% less painful today

  21. #21
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    New York
    take some benadryl for 2days same thing happend to me but in my delt i believe its cuz i injected too fast & i was using 21g needles

  22. #22
    ive been taking tylenol but it doesnt help much

    ice doesnt really help the inflammation either

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    why dont you give us a pic so we can help you better!
    I have most of the times little lumps,they go away. show us..

  24. #24
    i dont have a camera. its hard to see anyway, but it FEELS big

  25. #25
    the pain has gone down some, but there's still a large amount of swelling and discomfort because of the swelling. the top of my glute down past the injection site is very swollen. about the size of my fist. if i touch it with my finger, the skin turns white then goes back to red. does this mean anything?

  26. #26
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    I'd get it checked out to be safe.

  27. #27
    just did a quad injection. went much much smoother than the glute injection i did last thursday

    if the glute doesnt get much better in the next couple days i'll go to the doc

  28. #28
    pain and swelling is going down. the redness is gone

    but there's a ton of bruising, probably from moving the needle around so much. theres a big bruise about the size of a deck of cards. dark in the middle by the injection point, yellow around that

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    With some brands of test, I have to cut it/ add something else so there is no pain. Some brands this does not happen because they have difffent levels of ingredients, ie BA. What I do is do a test and EQ cycle, when I mix the two together I never have a sore injection spot, ever. Test by itself can be sore for 2-3 days, depending on the ester and the level of BA in the mixture.
    Bump to sp9,it is most likely associated with the compound you are using.Good Enanthate test should be pretty painless and not have redness or much swelling. But like sp says you may need to cut it with something like eq or deca.

  30. #30
    what about cutting it w tren?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cockdiesel87
    very tender and sore. i limp when i walk and its extremely hard to sit on that side

    not hot to the touch though and i dont have a fever
    I am def a newb or rook when it comes to this. For those that don't know only had four shots of obt 9 years ago. 2 before bike wreck and 2 after. The second shot I got a lump. But it was from going at the wrong angle with that dang 1.5. The first and other no prob soreness nothing. Just my .02. I will have to post about needle length if I can't find it in a search.

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