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Thread: about to use slin--5on/2off?

  1. #1

    about to use slin--5on/2off?

    i'm fixin to start my off-season cycle and i'm gonna run sauce, deca, d-bol, hgh, slin and maybe some tren towards the end. i'm gonna run the d-bol 5on/2off(i don't like orals and i know i'll respond to 25mg a day), for the first 4 weeks. i'm also runnin the slin for the first 4 weeks. can i run the slin 5on/2off?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    use slin only pwo.

    have you got all the basics down concerning slin? cause this is a pretty simple rule of thumb wich you should be able to answer your self if you have researched.


  3. #3
    i read up on it, but not enough. i've already got my humalog. i'm not gonna use it 'til i start my juice and a little higher dose of growth than i'm on now, so i've still got some time to learn.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    i loved it with my gh/test/tren cycle. i did 5 days a week (post workout) and two off (i don't work out sat or sun) for a month total and got GREAT results. but do be carefull, going hypo feels like crap and can be a little scary. i always keep glucose tabs on hand. -STEELE

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    When it comes to insulin, the main thing to take into consideration is how long you run it for (which is usually 4 weeks ON/OFF). And as rodge said, use it PWO only regardless if that may be 5/2 or ED.


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