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Thread: LR3 IGF - Better ED or 5/2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    LR3 IGF - Better ED or 5/2

    Seems to be fairly consistent that IGF is better when shot ED. Anyone have any thoughts different from this general viewpoint.

    I am starting my first IGF cycle on Monday. Going to start with 60mcgs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    You'll get results running 5 on/ 2 off.But to be honest,that approach is of that of an economically challenged individual.

    I prefer running it ED,as I have for my last 6 cycles of it.And my first couple cycles were back in the day when the 5 on/2 off protocol was floating around anabolic boards.Same time frame as ppl insisting that LR3 IGF-1 caused localized growth. Needless to say,that myth has been buried along with the 5 on/ 2 off protocol.I didn't but into either of those to "Anabolic board" rumors/speculations.Granted,it was very new to the public,and not alot was known about it,but with some logic and research you can jump right over all that internet BS.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks for the response. That is kind of what I learned from researching, but was looking for confirmation.

    Just curious. Have you run LR3 IGF with Tren? If so, how were the results?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Thanks for the response. That is kind of what I learned from researching, but was looking for confirmation.

    Just curious. Have you run LR3 IGF with Tren? If so, how were the results?
    Yes I have,and recently too.

    My cycle consisted of Enanthate/EQ/masteron/Fina/HGH

    The IGF really made a difference near cycles end.Just when I was having problems getting the last few pounds of BF off,IGF came to the rescue.

    You'll be really pleased with how it changes your physique.On a weekly basis the mirror will produce wonderful images for you to admire.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Wow, I can't wait!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Yes I have,and recently too.

    My cycle consisted of Enanthate/EQ/masteron/Fina/HGH

    The IGF really made a difference near cycles end.Just when I was having problems getting the last few pounds of BF off,IGF came to the rescue.

    You'll be really pleased with how it changes your physique.On a weekly basis the mirror will produce wonderful images for you to admire.

    Was bodyfat reduction what you noticed most from IGF in your cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Was bodyfat reduction what you noticed most from IGF in your cycle?
    Yes it was.IGF does put on a very small amount of muscle.What IGF really does is alter your physique.It's more of a visual thing(if that makes sense) than that of actually seeing the weight pile on when jumping on a scale.Quite honestly,the scale will be very misleading when running IGF.The mirror will dictate your results.Expensive as it is,no one can argue that it's not an incredible fat burner.You'll lean out even if you aren't really putting in the effort.When effort is applied,then the results are outstanding.You end up with the "quality muscle" look.One of a vascular,lean individual.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Wow, Tren normally leans me out like crazy, I can only imagine how IGF and Tren together will work. I actually don't have that much fat to lose!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    london england
    im exactly in the same position my bf is around 12% now and tren strips me well on its own! im also about to do a first cycle of lr3 with tren, 40mcg/ED 5 weeks. tempbrit post your results and findings will u so i have something to compare. cheers.

  10. #10
    Tren treats me the same way. Just melts the fat off of me, without any changes to my diet.

    This summer I am planning 6iu's gh (been on now for a couple of months), slin, lr3 opposite the slin and a cycle of test e/tren e and masteron with some tbol thrown in here and there. Can't wait to see what happens with this one.

    So let me know how that combo goes for you, I have a feeling it won't disappoint!

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