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Thread: Drug profiles (MODS, VETS, ADMIN and members)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Drug profiles (MODS, VETS, ADMIN and members)

    Hey I was wondering if there any plans of writing profiles for once obscure steroids. With home brewing becoming more and more popular drugs that once were impossible to find and or to expensive are more available than ever before.

    List I would like to see, if people are willing to volunteer some time and brain power.

    Stenbolone <--Thanks Jigga.
    I would defiantly volunteer do some. If you would like to see a profile for the drugs or would like to add a drug to the list please do so.
    Last edited by BajanBastard; 12-10-2005 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Great idea!!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks Pinn.

    I call clostebol, oxabolone and trestolone. The latter two have a reasonable amount of research, so they should not be hard to do.
    Last edited by BajanBastard; 12-10-2005 at 07:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Thanks Pinn.

    I call clostebol, oxybolone and trestolone. The latter two have a reasonable amount of research, so they should not be hard to do.

    Which leaves M1T and Methyldienolone leftover. While you guys are writing..............


    The chemically-structured 'little cousin' of Methyltrienolone, one of the most potent steroids ever developed, 'MethylDienolone,' which also goes by the names 'Methyldien' & it's true, structural designation 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)dien-3-one, is one of the newest & most misunderstood 17-alpha-alkylated (i.e. 'methylated') androgens to have recently emerged in the PH/AAS market as of late.

    Little true data exists concerning the use of methyldienolone in humans, and-- at the moment I am writing this article-- user feedback concerning the compound simply does not exist to any significant degree. To my knowledge, at present, I am one of only a half-dozen individuals in the United States to have used methyldienolone in a cycle. Thus, for the purposes of this piece, I will be relying more on my own individual experiences/observations with the compound, rather than lab assays & its presumed anabolic:androgenic activity ratio.

    Methyldienolone, for all extents & purposes, can best be thought of as a highly orally bioavailable, non-aromatizing 19-Nortestosterone derivative that boasts a very anabolic and moderately androgenic profile. Just to give you an idea, methyldienolone is only a single double-bond away from the 'ubersteroid' 17a-Methyl-17b-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-Trien-3-one, one of the most anabolic (as well as hepatotoxic) steroids known to man.

    In my own limited experience with the compound, methyldienolone is a rather singular androgen in its utter absence of effects on mood, energy levels, and SNS activity. While it is moderately androgenic (and thus has the penchant to produce any/all of the typical androgenic sides associated with PH/AAS use [acne, hair loss, prostate hypertrophy, et. al.]), methyldienolone does not appear to have any significant effect on energy levels, appetite, aggression/complacency, or cognitive capacity. Furthermore, given its close structural similarities to methyltrienolone (as well as its tremendous potency), methyldienolone is probably also the most hepatotoxic commercially-available 17aa-androgen currently. As with all 17aa-androgens, those with prior liver conditions &/or concerns in this regard should make sure they exercise the upmost caution if they choose to pursue methyldienolone for personal use.

    In terms of its anabolic capabilities, methyldienolone is, without doubt, the most potent (on a mg/mg basis), widely-available 17aa-androgen that one can currently obtain 'legally' (Author's note: Although it is important to note that the actual 'legality' of this class of compounds [re: 17aa-androgens] in compliance with the terms of DSHEA should be considered 'highly questionable' at best). As a comparison, 1mg of methyldienolone seems to be equivalent, anabolically, to ~8-12mg of 17aa-1-Testosterone (also known as Methyl-1-Test). Impressive (and often rapid) LBM gains (even in the face of a caloric deficit), marginal strength increases, and noticeable aesthetic improvements in vascularity, muscle hardness & fullness, and leanness are all facets to methyldienolone use that I have witnessed first-hand.

    As a stand-alone androgen, methyldienolone should be used @ 1-3mg/day. Heavily experienced &/or much larger lifters might do better with 4-5mg/day, and I do not feel that there is any need whatsoever to exceed the 5mg/day dose-range. 750mcg-1000mcg (1mg) of methyldienolone can also be used in stacks with other androgens as well, although it is NOT recommended the use of methyldienolone in conjuction with aromatizing androgens such as 4-androstenediol (4AD) due to the potential incidence of progesterone-induced side-effects, which can negatively affect mood, skin appearance, insulin sensitivity, and vascularity, among other potentially-detrimental occurences/conditions.

    Methyl-1-Testosterone (aka M1T)

    Methyl 1-testosterone, or 17aa-1-testosterone, is the methylated version of the steroid 1-testosterone. This structural modification makes steroids much more orally bioavailable by inhibiting breakdown in the liver. Although it has only been widely available for a short period of time, feedback on this compound indicates that it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market regardless of delivery method, and it is hands down the most effective oral product. On the other hand, most users report a wealth of side effects, and this compound is not to be taken lightly. It does not have a long history of use or a well-established safety profile, and proper precautions should be taken.

    The profile of methyl 1-test is similar to that of 1-test – it does not convert to estrogen, and it is highly anabolic and moderately androgenic (less than 1-test). When compared to orally administered methyltestosterone, methyl 1-test is 910-1600% as anabolic and 100-220% as androgenic.

    The side effects reported by users of methyl 1-test are many and individual reactions vary considerably. The most commonly reported side effect is lethargy, which can range from mild to severe. Other common side effects include increased blood pressure, bloating, joint pains, cramps, mild headaches, insomnia, aggressiveness, and irritability. Many users also find that methyl 1-test decreases appetite, which can be harmful or beneficial depending on one's goals. These side effects can be reduced by lowering dosage or taking smaller doses more frequently. Combining it with another androgen (such as 4-AD) may also help, but feedback on this is limited.

    Another concern with methyl 1-test (and methylated steroids in general) is hepatotoxicity. Although this tends to be exaggerated, it is still prudent to take certain precautions. First and foremost, other substances that are toxic to the liver (such as alcohol) should be avoided to avoid placing extra stress on the liver. If methyl 1-test is stacked, it would be best to stack it with something other than an oral steroid/prohormone, such as a transdermal. Milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid, and N-acetyl-cysteine are commonly recommended to help protect the liver. For further information on 17aa steroids and hepatotoxicity, see the following article:

    Hepatotoxicity: Fact or Fiction, by Roy Harper

    When taking methyl 1-test, it is best to start out with at least a week at a dose of 5-10 mg to see how one reacts. Many users find this range to be effective, while others feel the ideal amount is 20-40 mg. It comes down to the experience, goals, and individual reaction. Many find a lower dose to be just as effective as a higher one, but with less side effects. With a compound such as this, it is generally best to err on the side of caution, especially for those that are less experienced with steroids. Most seem to find their ideal dose to be in the 10-30 mg range. Cycle length should be kept short, in the range of 1-4 weeks. Finally, it is especially important to take adequate time off after each cycle with this substance to allow the body to recover.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Methyldienolone/M1T are going to be a bitch due to lack of literature in humans.
    AR has set a high standard with its profiles so writing a profile based on hear-say is not going to cut it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Methyldienolone/M1T are going to be a bitch due to lack of literature in humans.
    AR has set a high standard with its profiles so writing a profile based on hear-say is not going to cut it.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    might wanna throw stenbolone on there as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Stenbolone added, forgot about that one. Thanks Jigga.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think it`s a great idea,a forum this big should have the complete collection
    with full details,I hear the best test is Theramex,even better than test E.Who would know that without information..Also things like Nubain that is common in professional sports.Knowledge is power.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    what product is Methyldienolone in? Was it covered in the last ban like M1T?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Hey I was wondering if there any plans of writing profiles for once obscure steroids. With home brewing becoming more and more popular drugs that once were impossible to find and or to expensive are more available than ever before.

    List I would like to see, if people are willing to volunteer some time and brain power.

    Stenbolone <--Thanks Jigga.
    I would defiantly volunteer do some. If you would like to see a profile for the drugs or would like to add a drug to the list please do so.
    Volunteer? So you mean, people to do it for free? I cant remember who it was , but I thought the last time someone wrote a profile and didnt get paid right away. They made a public thread and called out BC.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Volunteer? So you mean, people to do it for free? I cant remember who it was , but I thought the last time someone wrote a profile and didnt get paid right away. They made a public thread and called out BC.
    What the hell is your problem? Yeah I was upset about writing 6 profiles at 200 U.S apiece and having to wait for over a year to get the contracts. I'm sure if someone owed you 1200 dollars for that long you would not take it lightly. I don't see you stepping up to do anything.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    What the hell is your problem? Yeah I was upset about writing 6 profiles at 200 U.S apiece and having to wait for over a year to get the contracts. I'm sure if someone owed you 1200 dollars for that long you would not take it lightly. I don't see you stepping up to do anything.
    Was it you? I had no idea.

    Are you on the rag this month or is this your normal attitude when talking to people.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    now now lets keep it civil boys!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Keep it on topic's a good idea...the mudslinging is to no one's benefit.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Keep it on topic's a good idea...the mudslinging is to no one's benefit.
    All I did was ask for clarification. Because when someone says volunteer. To me that means "for free", and the last time the profiles were being done we had a public thread made toward BC, that was done very unprofessionally!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    All I did was ask for clarification. Because when someone says volunteer. To me that means "for free", and the last time the profiles were being done we had a public thread made toward BC, that was done very unprofessionally!
    Hmmmm you keep posting in this thread but yet you add nothing of any substantial value. Do you want to write a profile? Nah that can't be that.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Hmmmm you keep posting in this thread but yet you add nothing of any substantial value. Do you want to write a profile? Nah that can't be that.
    1. I asked a question in clarification of the word "Volunteer"

    2. Is this about me writing a profile or about #1's question.

    3. Now that I do remember. Even if you wrote 1 profile or 10 profiles. Your tact and character say enough for me that I would rather not have you write another single word.

    * On a side note. I think Hooker is one of the most intelligent men in this community and when he writes, he writes from extensive research and knowledge, yet his character at times can take away from all that. I have absolutely nothing against then man and have never crossed paths with him. This is only an observation from what I gather from other members.

    Can I drink winny?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Volunteer? So you mean, people to do it for free? I cant remember who it was , but I thought the last time someone wrote a profile and didnt get paid right away. They made a public thread and called out BC.
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    What the hell is your problem? Yeah I was upset about writing 6 profiles at 200 U.S apiece and having to wait for over a year to get the contracts. I'm sure if someone owed you 1200 dollars for that long you would not take it lightly. I don't see you stepping up to do anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Was it you? I had no idea.

    Are you on the rag this month or is this your normal attitude when talking to people.
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    1. I asked a question in clarification of the word "Volunteer"

    2. Is this about me writing a profile or about #1's question.

    3. Now that I do remember. Even if you wrote 1 profile or 10 profiles. Your tact and character say enough for me that I would rather not have you write another single word.

    * On a side note. I think Hooker is one of the most intelligent men in this community and when he writes, he writes from extensive research and knowledge, yet his character at times can take away from all that. I have absolutely nothing against then man and have never crossed paths with him. This is only an observation from what I gather from other members.

    Can I drink winny?

    Jeez men can we keep it on topic?

    This isn't supposed to be a pissing contest.

    The argument does not lay in Big K's writing abilities.

    Hooker himself acknowledged that Big K is a great writer... in fact his profiles required little editing.

    That's besides the point tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Hey I was wondering if there any plans of writing profiles for once obscure steroids. With home brewing becoming more and more popular drugs that once were impossible to find and or to expensive are more available than ever before.

    List I would like to see, if people are willing to volunteer some time and brain power.

    Stenbolone <--Thanks Jigga.
    I would defiantly volunteer do some. If you would like to see a profile for the drugs or would like to add a drug to the list please do so.

    This thread circulates around one idea..and one idea alone:

    Would we like to see more profiles?

    That's it.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    1. I asked a question in clarification of the word "Volunteer"
    Wow you needed "clarification of the word Volunteer". I don't even know what to say about that one.

    2. Is this about me writing a profile or about #1's question.

    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    3. Now that I do remember. Even if you wrote 1 profile or 10 profiles. Your tact and character say enough for me that I would rather not have you write another single word.
    Wait. You, a high ranking member of this site, comes into a thread that is for the benefit of all of AR with nothing but the intention to start shit and now talks about character?

    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    * On a side note. I think Hooker is one of the most intelligent men in this community and when he writes, he writes from extensive research and knowledge, yet his character at times can take away from all that. I have absolutely nothing against then man and have never crossed paths with him. This is only an observation from what I gather from other members.

    Can I drink winny?
    If am a great guy or total asshole does that make the profiles I’m working on as we speak anymore or less educational and informative? This thread was going fine until you showed up and attacked me for a mistake i made MONTHS ago and that was resolved via PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ok. The MENT is done. I'm off to bed. Oxabolone is next.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I think this is a great idea...........

    Let's make a note for everyone......... When BC asked if people would like to write profiles and be paid then that was a contract between BC and the writter. So if there was an agreement for payment then the person deserves that payment when the work was done. I don't know what happened and I don't care but this has nothing to do what big k.i.g wants to do here. He said he will volunteer his time to work on this without compensation.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Wow you needed "clarification of the word Volunteer". I don't even know what to say about that one.

    2. Is this about me writing a profile or about #1's question.

    Wait. You, a high ranking member of this site, comes into a thread that is for the benefit of all of AR with nothing but the intention to start shit and now talks about character?

    If am a great guy or total asshole does that make the profiles I’m working on as we speak anymore or less educational and informative? This thread was going fine until you showed up and attacked me for a mistake i made MONTHS ago and that was resolved via PM.
    LMAO , somebody got spanked.

  24. #24
    Anything left for me to do? i'm goingto be pretty bored and would like a challenge

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Jersey
    bump for good thread

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooker is still writing for and we are working on another book as we speak. Profiles will be added as well as some other new info. However, he has stopped posting on the AR forums about 2-3 weeks ago and is not expected to return.

    Those are some good ones to add though and would be great to have.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    MENT is LEGAL lol

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    .....WTF is all this about...?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE


    The chemically-structured 'little cousin' of Methyltrienolone, one of the most potent steroids ever developed, 'MethylDienolone,' which also goes by the names 'Methyldien' & it's true, structural designation 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)dien-3-one, is one of the newest & most misunderstood 17-alpha-alkylated (i.e. 'methylated') androgens to have recently emerged in the PH/AAS market as of late.

    Little true data exists concerning the use of methyldienolone in humans, and-- at the moment I am writing this article-- user feedback concerning the compound simply does not exist to any significant degree. To my knowledge, at present, I am one of only a half-dozen individuals in the United States to have used methyldienolone in a cycle. Thus, for the purposes of this piece, I will be relying more on my own individual experiences/observations with the compound, rather than lab assays & its presumed anabolic:androgenic activity ratio.

    Methyldienolone, for all extents & purposes, can best be thought of as a highly orally bioavailable, non-aromatizing 19-Nortestosterone derivative that boasts a very anabolic and moderately androgenic profile. Just to give you an idea, methyldienolone is only a single double-bond away from the 'ubersteroid' 17a-Methyl-17b-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-Trien-3-one, one of the most anabolic (as well as hepatotoxic) steroids known to man.

    In my own limited experience with the compound, methyldienolone is a rather singular androgen in its utter absence of effects on mood, energy levels, and SNS activity. While it is moderately androgenic (and thus has the penchant to produce any/all of the typical androgenic sides associated with PH/AAS use [acne, hair loss, prostate hypertrophy, et. al.]), methyldienolone does not appear to have any significant effect on energy levels, appetite, aggression/complacency, or cognitive capacity. Furthermore, given its close structural similarities to methyltrienolone (as well as its tremendous potency), methyldienolone is probably also the most hepatotoxic commercially-available 17aa-androgen currently. As with all 17aa-androgens, those with prior liver conditions &/or concerns in this regard should make sure they exercise the upmost caution if they choose to pursue methyldienolone for personal use.

    In terms of its anabolic capabilities, methyldienolone is, without doubt, the most potent (on a mg/mg basis), widely-available 17aa-androgen that one can currently obtain 'legally' (Author's note: Although it is important to note that the actual 'legality' of this class of compounds [re: 17aa-androgens] in compliance with the terms of DSHEA should be considered 'highly questionable' at best). As a comparison, 1mg of methyldienolone seems to be equivalent, anabolically, to ~8-12mg of 17aa-1-Testosterone (also known as Methyl-1-Test). Impressive (and often rapid) LBM gains (even in the face of a caloric deficit), marginal strength increases, and noticeable aesthetic improvements in vascularity, muscle hardness & fullness, and leanness are all facets to methyldienolone use that I have witnessed first-hand.

    As a stand-alone androgen, methyldienolone should be used @ 1-3mg/day. Heavily experienced &/or much larger lifters might do better with 4-5mg/day, and I do not feel that there is any need whatsoever to exceed the 5mg/day dose-range. 750mcg-1000mcg (1mg) of methyldienolone can also be used in stacks with other androgens as well, although it is NOT recommended the use of methyldienolone in conjuction with aromatizing androgens such as 4-androstenediol (4AD) due to the potential incidence of progesterone-induced side-effects, which can negatively affect mood, skin appearance, insulin sensitivity, and vascularity, among other potentially-detrimental occurences/conditions.
    This write up sounds similar to the one in Anabolics 2005. Regardless, I believe 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)dien-3-one is M-Dien, which was banned with Prohormones in January of this year. There are a lot of cycle logs and other info on this substance on From what I've read, 1-3mg or even 4-5mg ED is not going to do anything. It needs to be dosed much higher. I haven't read any cycle logs that said it packed on huge amounts of muscle. It seems to be better used to hold muscle on a cutter.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by Josey Wales
    This write up sounds similar to the one in Anabolics 2005.
    Funny thing is now I can't remember where I c&p'd it from. I was just playing with pinn and big klg when I put that out there anyway.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Josey Wales
    This write up sounds similar to the one in Anabolics 2005. Regardless, I believe 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)dien-3-one is M-Dien, which was banned with Prohormones in January of this year. There are a lot of cycle logs and other info on this substance on From what I've read, 1-3mg or even 4-5mg ED is not going to do anything. It needs to be dosed much higher. I haven't read any cycle logs that said it packed on huge amounts of muscle. It seems to be better used to hold muscle on a cutter.
    The thing about Methyldienolone is this. Was the supp companies putting the REAL drug in the bottles? I can't be sure because you are not the first person to say the drug was ineffective. On paper the drug looks like a beauty.

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