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Thread: **Help needed** Test/Deca cycle critique

  1. #1

    **Help needed** Test/Deca cycle critique

    height: 6'1
    weight: 190
    age: 22
    lifting regularly for 4yrs
    cycle history: 1 short Test only
    goal: gain about 20lbs


    Test E --> (1-12) 500mg/wk (250mg Wednesday & Sunday)
    Deca --> (1-10) 300mg/wk (150mg mixed with Test E)


    (Week 13)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED
    HCG --> 400iu ED
    Aromasin --> 20mg ED
    Vitamin E --> 1,000iu ED

    (Week 14)
    same as above

    (Week 15)

    (Week 16)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED
    Aromasin --> 20mg ED

    (Week 17)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED

    (Week 18)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED

    I'll also be taking Milk Thistle seed, B-12 caps, B-6 caps, daily multvitamin (GNC), Vitamin C, whey, and L-Arginine, as I am currently taking these now.
    I'll be on a diet consisting of about 4500 cals and adjusting from there.


    I'd like to add some HCG into my regular cycle somewhere, how would you guys recommend that I do this? Good idea on a cycle with Deca?

    A lot of people run Nolva throughout their cycles. What do you guys think about leaving it for pct only and using something else in case of gyno?

    Would it be better to taper off of the HCG in PCT? Maybe start at 500iu ED and taper down to a SMALL amount?

    What about Deca gyno? Although unlikely, it would be nice to what to take for that. (much debate on this topic) Deca gyno

    I feel like I'm forgetting something...


    interesting pct article where I got the pct above:
    PCT by Anthony Roberts
    Last edited by brandonstanks; 12-13-2005 at 05:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by brandonstanks
    height: 6'1
    weight: 190
    age: 22
    lifting regularly for 4yrs
    cycle history: 1 short Test only
    goal: gain about 20lbs


    Test E --> (1-12) 500mg/wk (250mg Wednesday & Sunday)
    Deca --> (1-10) 300mg/wk (150mg mixed with Test E)


    (Week 13)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED
    HCG --> 400iu ED
    Aromasin --> 20mg ED
    Vitamin E --> 1,000iu ED

    (Week 14)
    same as above

    (Week 15)

    (Week 16)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED
    Aromasin --> 20mg ED

    (Week 17)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED

    (Week 18)
    Nolvadex --> 20mg ED

    I'll also be taking Milk Thistle seed, B-12 caps, B-6 caps, daily multvitamin (GNC), Vitamin C, whey, and L-Arginine, as I am currently taking these now.
    I'll be on a diet consisting of about 4500 cals and adjusting from there.


    I'd like to add some HCG into my regular cycle somewhere, how would you guys recommend that I do this? Good idea on a cycle with Deca?

    A lot of people run Nolva throughout their cycles. What do you guys think about leaving it for pct only and using something else in case of gyno?

    Would it be better to taper off of the HCG in PCT? Maybe start at 500iu ED and taper down to a SMALL amount?

    What about Deca gyno? Although unlikely, it would be nice to what to take for that. (much debate on this topic) Deca gyno

    I feel like I'm forgetting something...


    interesting pct article where I got the pct above:

    oops! i'll fix the links in a while
    Cycle looks good. PCT should start 18 days after the last Test E injection. HCG should be done during your cycle and not during PCT. 250 IU twice a week should be enough to keep the boys active.

    There is no Clomid in your PCT cycle, is that deliberate ?

    Running Nolva throughout the cycle is a personal choice, some do and some dont. Some say running it can effect muscle gain. I dont run it and dont have any problems. If you are prone to Gyno you may need it, try it without and see how you go.

    You may or may not be prone to Deca (Progesterone) Gyno. Treatment for that is Vitamin B6 and Arimidex

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. I wanted to try a PCT without Clomid and after
    I read the thread in the link above, I wanted to see what you guys had to say about it. Clomid is fine with me, but if the combo above would work okay, then I would try it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yes I have read some stuff that excludes Clomid from PCT. Try it and see what happens. Everyone is different and all the stuff we do is by no means a science, its all pretty much experimentation. Just get your Test levels checked a month after you finish the Nolvadex and what they are like, if they are sh!t you might need to try the clomid then. Here is a realy intersting article on why we need PCT and what actually happens.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    test e for 12
    deca for 11

    pct at 15 ... throw some clomid in there ... check out "pheednos pct protocol"

  6. #6
    so, nolv and clomid for pct.

    (Starting on Week 14)
    Clomid: Day 1 --> 300mg
    Day 2-10--> 100mg
    Day 10-20--> 50mg
    20-whenever--> 25mg

    Nolvadex: 20mg/ED throughout pct

    I'll run 300-500iu of HCG twice a week, during cycle and stopping 2 weeks before pct. I'll also incorporate some arimidex (about .25mg/ED) during cycle, also stopping before pct. What about that aromasin? I'm assuming that I don't need it with the clomid, right?
    Last edited by brandonstanks; 12-14-2005 at 02:44 AM.

  7. #7
    you could use it yes, start PCT 14 days after last test e shot.

  8. #8
    aromasin, nolv, and clomid? Necessary? Helpful? Or a waste?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

  10. #10
    i mean, the 3 of those together

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

  12. #12
    I just read an article on HCG that suggests beginning it the last week of your cycle (Week 11 for me), running it with nolv, for 3 weeks, stopping right before you start PCT with clomid (Week 14 for me). Nolvadex starts with HCG and continues through PCT.
    Is this old news?

  13. #13
    I would kinda like to run HCG early and mid-cycle for short times at low dosages to protect the boys and run it right before pct as mentioned above. hmmmm...

    Excellent read:

    HCG lets talk
    Last edited by brandonstanks; 12-14-2005 at 04:01 AM.

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