should big guys take test i mean guys already over 250lbs is there a reason why or why not .
should big guys take test i mean guys already over 250lbs is there a reason why or why not .
depends on a few factors, what is your BF?Originally Posted by doghunter
test is a tool to build muscle mass no matter how big you are already,
all depends on what you are looking for out of bodybuilding
Weird question, well if you were over 250lbs and still want to get bigger then by all means take test, no?Originally Posted by doghunter
im over 250 and test is always in my cycles
okay here are my thoughts number one i would never run a cycle without it but i have been out of the gym for about six months i gain some weight i might be up around 20% body fat at 6-3 286-7lbs to the untrained eye i do not look out of shape but to people who know me and to myself im fat no belly to be honest im not even sure where the weight came from and where it is on my body im 24yrs old well i will be the end of the month and when i look at myself i think my shoulders have just grown and i have gotten heavy maybe more solid , so im asking is the test going to slow the process of dropping a few pounds and getting hard again like i was six months ago or not .
Hell ya, I'm at 280 and that's all I take. I want to be a freakin Freak.
im on my way to being feaky big but im not into being over three hundred pounds and putting alot of stress on my heart i would like to be able to move still at 260 i can move well i train protection dogs so its important that i move well in the summer this is not my first cycle but the first time i have been this heavy .
One thing is, when you're at these weight's, it's hard to keep down the
fat. Even harder when you get older. Your metabolism slows a bit.
Yeah, no s h i t. I'm working my ass off doing cardo plus a few 'supps'. I'd like to drop down to 250 before hitting my bulker.Originally Posted by STEVO 47
I'm perfect.
If by big u mean fat, then no u probably shldn't use any gear until u get your bodyfat down... diet and cardio.....
My experiance with test goes like this. Natural I was 275 at 15%.
Within six months weight went up 280 and fat down at 12%.
So I guess I'm semi perfect.
if your moderate BF like 14-15% like where i was before starting my prop/tren (which i'm in the 12th week of right now) i have had a gain of 17 lbs and a very noticable change in over all body composition. i'm probably about 11% right now with some very nice vascularity. i probably cut a decent amount of fat off just from being on tren and keeping up with some cardio
Like I said earlier, I like to keep things simple. I haven't done anything but
test. Did hit a sticking point but took some time off, now I'm growing again
I too have been thinking of a tren cycle, but that will be about it. Oh,
along with my good ol test enan.
Last edited by STEVO 47; 12-13-2005 at 11:49 PM.
i love tren its the best one product around if u ask me its great. i have not started my tren yet im just running test e , EQ going to make some tren to put in with this soon thats the turning point im holding off on it because i do not want the anger issue back in my life but tren is the way to go .
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