this is me almost on my peak on dbol, im 19 years old!! what you think!! i think i need more work on my chest. excuse me laughing on the picture!!
this is me almost on my peak on dbol, im 19 years old!! what you think!! i think i need more work on my chest. excuse me laughing on the picture!!
My honest opinion, you coulda done that natural w/ some food and intense training.
coulda done it without....
I think 19 is too young.
but I bet the ladies love the added mass.
I agree.Originally Posted by LiLSaVaGe
yup i'm 19 as well man and natural and i just eat a shit ton of food grow..i'm thinkin you shoulda tried that approach first, but have you got any before pics..Originally Posted by LiLSaVaGe
You've got a decent start there for 19, but I don't agree with what you're doing AAS-wise.
heres some more pictures of me!! recently without the d_bol i will post pictures next when i go on my next cycle to show you my progress
so is that prior to the d-bol cycle?????
yea its prior
Well, if you ask me, I don't see the difference between the prior or the after dbol cycle? Are you eating sugar dbol?
you should not be usin roids imo,you should concentrate on gettin yourself a decent base to work with 1st.not a flame.
Originally Posted by TinTin78
hahaa SUGAR... but yea im not seein that big a differance either..
something is wrong with your dbol, my pump on creatine is bigger then that!!! sorry no to flame but you are not ready for gear!!!
theres alot of difference actually if you look at my first photo without dbol and look at the one withthere is quite alot of difference!!
well i dont know if this is true or not but if it was d-bol only prepare to look like you originally did cause from what i understand is you lose what you gained after d-bol only and i dont suppose you ran pct did you?????Originally Posted by giangrosso
lmao. I see so many threads like this. If you dont eat you wont grow, its that simple. Check out the diet forums and educational threads. Learn some more about roids before doing any more dianobol unless you want to get your self i nice pair of bitch titties.
I see you are more flexed in the second picture but I do not see a lot of muscle gain, not worth the expense or harm you could do to your still growing body.
I think this is what I see when I look at the different between you before and "on" dbol. Looks the same to me.
The guys here are not flaming they just think that it is not a good idea to start steroids so young and when your genetic potencial is not met, don't take the shortcut way out.
B4 dbol (and then) "on" dbol
yup you definitely could of done that naturally... IMO you really do not look any different (before pic is relaxed... dbol pic is flexed)... the most likely scenario is when you stop your dbol cycle you will just end up back at square one... my advice to you is to not look for the quick fix right now... get your diet right, train hard and consistently, get proper rest and you will your age your gh and test levels are such to get quality gains... build the foundation first and any future cycle that you do will be more rewarding and your gains will be more productive.
when RJstrong talks he just keeps on talking and talking and talking hahaha.. dam server lag.. hahaha
Originally Posted by Chemical King
this b4-after stuff is an old Jedi mind trick, no?
theres no difference. You just swallowed tylenols methinks.
I dont see any difference, and even if there was a marginal gain (of which prolly alot is water gain) its not worth the risk of a oral only cycle. It sounds like you just got a bunch of pills and couldnt get the rest of the ingredients to a proper stack, did you even get the doses right ?
Doing a oral only cycle is a marvelously stupid idea, for one thing a crapload of those 17 alpha alkilated substances ie d-bol is removed with first pass through the liver so you usualy need to take a hell of a lot to get a decent serum concentration of testosterone going, but by doing this you are kicking the shit out of your liver. Not only that but strongly androgenic orals like d-bol are very prone to side effects especialy without ONGOING nolvadex during the cycle and PCT after the stack ! Can you honestly say your nipples didnt hurt a bit ?
Advice - get a proper stack together and get 2/3`s of your testo from injectables, also dont do the stack without proper antiestrogen`s and pct !
I see the diffrence but I still think you could've done that without the dbol. Also, if you were planning on running something I would've ran test instead of dbol.
I won't knock you for starting early because I did as well but at 19 I had been training for 3 years and I was alot bigger. I'm not comparing you to me I'm just stating where I was at in your age.
Good luck.
so dbol lowers B/FOriginally Posted by giangrosso
thats the only difference i can see....
This guy is nuts. Look at the first picture you posted, you look mental or on drugs. You look the same size in all the pictures as well.
lol........your right dude,Originally Posted by Hellmask
Ha Ha ha, that really made my day bro!Originally Posted by Hellmask
This is going nowhere
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