here is a recent pic... I know no wheels, crappy lighting, another camera phone... hey it's my first pic give a brother a break...![]()
here is a recent pic... I know no wheels, crappy lighting, another camera phone... hey it's my first pic give a brother a break...![]()
Lookin thick man, post up your stats (height, wegiht, squat, bench etc).
not to shabby man, how many cycles have ya done?
right on bro... thanx!Originally Posted by FROST
just competed Dec. 4 APF Southern States Powerlifting Contest:
squat: 865
bench: 600
Deadlift: 722
weight: 240
height: 5'10"
people always tell me I don't look like a powerlifter... I normally take that as a compliment...![]()
only one... started it about 10 years ago... J/K... honestly I couldn't tell ya...Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw
u do look thick bro
Thats ****ing crazy man, what does your chest and leg routines look like?Originally Posted by RJstrong
I use somewhat of a Westside Barbell template with some tweaks here and there... as a powerlifter I concentrate on the 3 lifts squat, bench, and deads... as far as chest I do a lot of board presses, close grips, floor presses, a combo of bands and chains, I do tons of volume with heavy weight and work speed at 50-65% if I feel like I'm overtrained... for squats I do box squats, belt squats, but mainly just squat heavy with high volume I also incorporate a lot of bands and chain work here... my working sets tend to be in the 1-3 rep range with the priority of putting on strength... this is a simplified break down and by no means is my training this basic... but this touches on some of my key points of training chest & squats... I am a firm believer in powerlifting as the best way to build the foundation.Originally Posted by FROST
nothing builds a strong physique like lifting really heavy. found this out first hand.
you have a great build.
thank you brother... and you and I agree totally hear you gotta lift big to get big... I think Ronnie Coleman said it best (it went something like this anyway) "everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to lift any heavy ass weight"Originally Posted by timtim
holy shit man!!! I thought you were gonna be some huge guy but with like 20% bf!! Wow was I look like you could step on stage any second
I thought it may suprise some people here, I have always been lean... I usually suprise people when I compete... at my last meet Tony Conyers said to me "are you sure you are in the right place this is a powerlifting contest not a bodybuilding contest" I understand I don't fit the stereotype of a powerlifter but I just really love the sport... maybe someday you will see me on stage... key word there is "maybe"... I do appreciate the kind words though... and by the way good work yourself on your cutting phase!Originally Posted by chest6
Excellent work man, goes to show hard work pays off.
Originally Posted by RJstrong
well I for one Hate You.. hahaha J/kyou freaking look great Bro!! Where most guy pushing those high numbers are packing a lot of BF you have both the lifts and the cut.. Good combo!!
Welcome to AR
thanx... they say nothing comes easy... whoever "they" are I will never know but "they" are right! a lot of years of blood sweat and tears!Originally Posted by ImaGetBig
thank you... that means a lot!Originally Posted by oldman
damn man I cant get over how someone that freaking ripped up can push that much weight..I'll shutup dont wanna sound like a weirdoso jealous haha
nah man you don't sound weird... I understand as I said before you aren't the first person to say that... It is rare to see a powerlifter that is lean... normally they are in the lighter weight classes... however the guy that beat me at the Southern states Dondell Blue is a beast and he is really lean too... he looks like he could take the stage if he wanted to... he totalled a 2325 my lifts totalled 2188... just to get an idea of how friggin' strong he is.Originally Posted by chest6
good god..well anything over 2k is outstanding..hell anything over 1800. Mine at my peak prolly topped out at 1500![]()
i've used westside techniques (modified to my needs) and i realized that the low reps and heavy weight pack on the muscle density. after 1 year of powerlifting (after a decade of "bodybuilding") i made more gains than ever. since then i always work 3 week phases of really heavy lifting surrounded by higher rep phases. usually do 3 weeks of 5x5 follwoed by 3 weeks of 5x3. i end the heavy phase with 2 weeks of 1 rep sets. works every time.
i was at the gym last night and 2 fat guys were talking about how heavy they were lifting and such (and how they couldn't wait to start their cutting diets). they were making noise using the 120 db's for flat bench. i was laughing to myself when i noticed i was using the 115's for 5x5 and these guys who had at least 50 pounds and 8 inches on me were struggling with 5 pounds more. heavy lifting is the great equalizer!
looking solid , whats your diet ? break it down for a brotha!
looking Awesome man, I've recently started more of a powerlifting routine... working wonders
wow im surprised at how lean you are dude, I remember seeing some of your lift stats before and assumed you'd be a fatty, but im extremely impressed, good going!
nothing too fancy here... I typically zig-zag my calories eating more on training days (or very active days) as opposed to off days (lazy days)... I mainly watch my protein intake and keep it around 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight during my off season and I normally bump it up to 2-2.5 grams per pound when training for a contest. I always take in about 20-40 grams of protein with about 50 grams of carbs before and after a workout... I have always been lucky as far as staying lean... I eat clean most of the time but I never shy away from a good dessert... that's the beauty of powerlifting I suppose...Originally Posted by alex7674
Last edited by RJstrong; 12-28-2005 at 08:14 PM.
just stay on it... you may surprise yourself at how strong your body can become!Originally Posted by chest6
powerlifting took my body to another level as well... stay with it... it only gets better!Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
thanx... I figured I would get a lot of that...Originally Posted by JamesC
looks good... solid game plan... and I agree it is a great equalizer... nothing feels better IMO then being strong!Originally Posted by timtim
RIPPED not to mention:
5'10 240........ Impressive
man, those are some heavy lifts- how many reps can you do with each of those exercises at that amount of weight? Do you normally train with that much weight or just at a powerlifting competition?Originally Posted by RJstrong
cool... I appreciate it!Originally Posted by Superballer
thanks brother it's been a lot of work... but I'm loving every minute of it... as of right now those are my current max lifts for a single... I just hit those numbers Dec. 4 in Jax. FL at the APF Southern States... the only PR was on the bench at 600 I have hit the 865 and 722 before... right now I'm not training as heavy... I start training for a contest 12 weeks out and that's when I will go balls to the wall... my next meet will be the APF Senior Nationals June 4 In Las Vegas... I'm really looking forward to redeeming myself as I bombed out at Nationals this year... I will keep you posted... I kept a training log for this years nationals in the powerlifting forum... and I may do it again, but that's about 3 months away.Originally Posted by ward065
600 thats a dream that I would, or ,WILL fulfil one unreal..thats awesome...
thanx bro... it's been a long road but a worthwhile trip! you have the goal now go get it!Originally Posted by goalseeker
Is this Ross?
RJstrong-You look good, and your lifts are sick!
What was your lifts when you first startet training?
Any cycle expirience? What drugs do you use?
Ya dude thats amazing!! I wanna put up 250 and here you are pushing 600!! Thats awesome!!! Good motivation!!
about 4 years ago pre-powerlifting squat: 550 bench: 405 deadlift: 525 as far as personal favs: test, tren, deca, dbol, abombs... and I'm about 2 1/2 months into gh for the 1st time... might as well add that to the list of favorites now...Originally Posted by vitor
it's all about short term goals and visualizing the big picture... if you train hard and passionately you may just surprise yourself in the long run... go get your 250 and then on to 300!Originally Posted by hardgainer12
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