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Thread: end of sust deca cycle thoughts...

  1. #1

    end of sust deca cycle thoughts...

    was doing a deca and sust cycle for 8 weeks
    deca 300 mg p/w
    sust 250 250mg p/w
    (dbol 30mg p/d for 4 weeks)

    put on 17 lbs. happy

    have 5 sust 250 left.
    shall i do them monday, thursday etc till the run out despie ending the deca?
    what will i notice - losses due to missing deca?
    do i start the pct 3 weeks after the last sust hit if i do?

    thank you guys.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by topgun1983
    was doing a deca and sust cycle for 8 weeks
    deca 300 mg p/w
    sust 250 250mg p/w
    (dbol 30mg p/d for 4 weeks)

    put on 17 lbs. happy

    have 5 sust 250 left.
    shall i do them monday, thursday etc till the run out despie ending the deca?
    what will i notice - losses due to missing deca?
    do i start the pct 3 weeks after the last sust hit if i do?

    thank you guys.

    It would be wise to keep on schedual with the sust injections past the deca. Deca is more suppressive and could make PCT harder so by running the test a few weeks past the deca is a good idea. Start PCT 18 days after last sust injection.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you should run test past deca any way. so yes i would run them.

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