good or bad idea to do some clen cycles while bulking with deca/t4?
good or bad idea to do some clen cycles while bulking with deca/t4?
why not use some clen? If you are an endo why bother putting that fat on in the first place, this way u can constantly keep cals high, or just get the cardio going as well. But i've done this a few times and it's great to keep the cals high without the expanding waistline issue. Caution however, you will not loose fat and put on muscle. you may keep fat stable and add muscle though.
yea t4, is test 400.... sooo dont take clen, cuz thatll eat the fat that i need to grow muscle?Originally Posted by dr_skier
u need fat to grow muscles...never heard of it but i might be wrong...Clen is anticatabolic
i hear that too, which is why im wondering if its good, but then i hear, take it while cutting...anyone ever taken during bulkng?
I hear that u don't want thermogenic effect when u are bulking. Bulk then cut. I could be wrong and I stand to be corrected...
ok, so on that...when i finish the deca, ill still have 2 weeks of think i should start the clen right after the deca?
In most cases people run clen along with PCT.
Clen is supposed to give you that extra anabolic effect.
A good read on clen.
I'd take it with PCT for retaining muscle mass and helping to reduce BF. Try an AI during cycle to reduce bloat.
agree with the above, exactly the words i was going to sayOriginally Posted by IBdmfkr
Cant clen actually compete and interfere with the same receptors that aas use?
Through my self read up research and opinion, clen is thermogenic, anabolic and as we know anti-catabolic.
When a steroid cycle ends, all the stored cortisol cells are released into the blood stream. This would break down muscles at a very high rate, hence we take our PCT to prevent this from happening.
When clen is added during your PCT stages it would aid in increasing the anabolic sate of your body and therefore help reduce the cortisol effect. This anabolic state would prove to be very useful. This would be so because the best method to retain body muscle mass after a cycle is to keep a constant workout and clean diet.
If i am wrong pls correct me....
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