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Thread: Questions about stacking prop with cyp and eq

  1. #1

    Questions about stacking prop with cyp and eq

    For my first cycle I ran 500mg test e and 400mg eq, but this time am going to run 600mg cyp and 500 mg eq. Could I stack in some prop for the first 3 or 4 weeks since the cyp will take a few weeks to kick in, or should I just stick with the cyp and eq since its only my second time around? I would be taking the shots of prop eod.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by little big guy
    For my first cycle I ran 500mg test e and 400mg eq, but this time am going to run 600mg cyp and 500 mg eq. Could I stack in some prop for the first 3 or 4 weeks since the cyp will take a few weeks to kick in, or should I just stick with the cyp and eq since its only my second time around? I would be taking the shots of prop eod.

    How were the results from that first cycle? Any sides?

    If they were decent I'd throw in the Prop for 3 weeks. Run a nice low dose of 100mgs EOD for the initial 3 weeks. Then by the end of that you should start feeling the Cyp then shortly after that the EQ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    How were the results from that first cycle? Any sides?

    If they were decent I'd throw in the Prop for 3 weeks. Run a nice low dose of 100mgs EOD for the initial 3 weeks. Then by the end of that you should start feeling the Cyp then shortly after that the EQ.
    I agree. It will be a nice "jump start" to your cycle. You might even want to consider getting enough to use for the last two weeks of your cycle also.

  4. #4
    My sides were little to none and I had great results. I figured though that since the qv was probly under dosed, that at an actual 600mg cyp would have better results. Can I mix the cyp and prop or eq and prop in the same needle? Because some of the days I use the prop will fall on the days I shoot my cyp and eq.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yes, you can mix them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Personally, I'd kickstart the cycle with an oral and end the cycle with Prop.

    Something like, Tbol 50mg/ED week 1-6. Test Prop 50-75mg/ED the final 4 or 6 weeks.

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