I can't read...
Right Narkissos?
I can't read...
Right Narkissos?
No one has the answer on SeriousMuscle.net?
i've used there winny and test e injectable and it was nothing special. i would not buy it again. i used them when i was getting ready for a show so i should have been able to notice the gains fairly easily. i am not sure about there pills though. try and ask the forum about fake gear. or send seajackel a pm he knows everything.
Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
no there dumb****s, is this shit legit or what?
like i said in my post i do not think it is worth two cents.sorry.
You just fvked up royally ...see yaOriginally Posted by CrazyorHigh
yea, thats kinda dumb, ill still try it though, see what it gives me, thanks
i would try and se if your supplier would give you you rmoney back or try and give you something better. i know there injectables were usless but the pills might be better. but i didn't even think they made pills, like i also said before post some pics and this question in the other forum and you might get better answers.
I've no idea, you're the cockhelmet who bought something w/out knowing WTF it was.Originally Posted by CrazyorHigh
Figure it out.
Nark even had to edit your original post because you can't follow simple board rules.
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
Neat the way you edited the original title too, good work.
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
i try
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
hahahaha .... cockhelmet ... thats great
vintage swolecat at its best
I pissed myself reading that..I swear.Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
I'm not one to purposely go around insulting people, those who know me already know that to be true.
However, when some newbie with another website as their "location" mouths off and uses obscenities towards anyone here, especially a moderator, then the shit just splattered all over the fan.
Takes it but has more than enough to dish out.
Who's hungry?
cock helmet haha....
You really gotta be 'crazyorhigh' to be pulling this shit.
crazyorhigh may be both. search his posts, in one he says he is doing his first cycle, in another he says his first cycle was a pretty heavy one at 16 yrs old. i dont really care, just dont like posers.
Yup, poser extraordinaire according to the post history.
Nice find!
that takes balls, or stupidity. its all too easy to find.
hehehehehehehehehe.......................COCK HELMET
lmao i hope thats not a pic of you sickone
where do you come up with some of this shvt, cockhelmet, that is priceless swole.
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