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Thread: Comp Diet/Cycle Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In a cave in Melb, Oz

    Comp Diet/Cycle Question

    Supp everyone, i just finished my first bulking cycle and was rather happy with the results. I am taking 2 months break and then starting another 10 week cutting cycle consisting of prop and winny. Now i was wondering how i would structure my diet for this cycle in preperation for competition. Would i keep it high calories or low calories. Any information would be greatful as i am entering my first competition.

    Big AnF G

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    You would keep your carbs low,your protein high and your fat low to moderate bests fats are Flax oil,or Udo's choice.Best of luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    The link below will show you how i do things...XXL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    yeah, check out Mike's for your cycle, we can discuss that further here...just prop and winny, for 10 weeks , right? would you consider other compounds?? I'd suggest masteron, along with a few other suggestions...what did your bulker consist of??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In a cave in Melb, Oz
    Well my bulker consisted of just cypionate at 400mg for 8 weeks and dbol aswell for 4 weeks. I was gonna put equipoise in their with the second cycle but its hard to find stuff here in Oz, i had a bloke who could get it but now i don't know if he has it anymore or not, he isn't reliable. I know i can get good winny and prop so ats y i am just getting that for now. I am gonna run the prop at 700mg and winny at 300mg a week. Prop i am gonna run untill 2weeks b4 competition and winny up to a day or 2 b4.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In a cave in Melb, Oz
    I forgot to mention aswell that i will be running clen 1 month b4 i start my cycle and keep it going untill week 3 of my cycle week 4 i will start the winny. I have to admit but i should start clen earlier coz i am holding a rather decent amount of fat i estimate to b at about 16-17%. It should b enough time but untill competition which is may 27.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I feel if your BF% is up, start dieting earlier and ease your way into the diet....My last shows, i started 20 weeks out and it had me ready early so i did not have to get extreme in the last month to make weight...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In a cave in Melb, Oz
    yer i was thinking the same thing today on the way home i though i gotta get into now i had my fun with new year'z and christmas its time to get serious i am gonna start half-45 min cardio sessions in the morning and weights at night and then 2 cardio sessions a day and weights just as i beggin my cycle like a week or 2 before. The closer it get'z to the comp date the more excited i am getting about it.

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