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Thread: Prop, Winny, Clen - 2nd Cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Prop, Winny, Clen - 2nd Cycle.

    I'm starting my second cycle here shortly, which will consists of

    Prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-11 (80 days of gear, 40 injections).
    Winny 50mg ED weeks 6 - end of cycle (5 weeks worth of pills - 35 pills)
    Clen two weeks on / two weeks off duration of cycle.
    Novla 10mg ED
    PCT Novla / Clomid ect.

    I ran winny at the end of my last cycle and corresponded it to end two weeks after my last Injection of Test E - so I could start PCT right after I was done.
    Should I do something similiar with this cycle?

    Also should I start PCT two days after my last prop injection?

    Trying to get a little more cutup with this cycle - going to keep diet clean and calories about where they are now. Does anyone have a link to a good thread with advice on cutting with prop or a similiar cycle to my own? Or maybe some advice?

    Thanks for all the help bros! hope all those questions make sense.


  2. #2
    whats the dosage of clen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I run up to 120mcg's or six squirts of ARR clen.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    I run up to 120mcg's or six squirts of ARR clen.
    At 120mcg's that is at the higher average dose. Especially if this is just your second cycle. Have you ran clen before?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yes I ran it before at that dose, and used it on it's own.
    no real sides except for a bit of shaking and sometimes felt like I was very anxious.

    My frist cycle consisted of
    Test E 600mg weeks 1-11
    Deca 400mg weeks 1-10
    Winny weeks 8-13
    Novla 10mg ED

    anyone have answers to any of my other questions?

  6. #6
    The cycle sounds good. Yes i would let the winny last two weeks after the test.

    Also, i would recommend taking Benadryl if you are concerned with receptor downgrade at around 50-100mgs/night before bed (every 3rd week or so, for that week).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yeah that's what I did the last time, took the benadryl I mean. I feel like I started getting diminished results running it straight.

    so I think i'm going to do two weeks on / two weeks off, and take benadryl the week before I get back on just to be sure.

    So even with the faster acting ester, I should start PCT two weeks after my last injection? If so that's when i'll have the winny end as well.

    thanks bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Can anyone answer some of my other questions...
    help please.

    c'mon bros.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    For best clen advice PM cruisecontrol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I feel like I should just make a new post at this point.

    The questions I need answered are...

    when should I start PCT for this cycle? Two days after my last Test Prop injection? That's what I would assume b/c that's how long the ester is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    considering your first cycles doses were substantially higher than your proposed second one, you need too up the doses.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I thought 100mg EOD was standard for Prop. It's been about a year since the last cycle. I'm looking to use this as a cutting cycle - would that have any bearing on how much I need.

    and when should I start PCT - two days after last prop injection?

    Anyone else have a thought?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    I thought 100mg EOD was standard for Prop. It's been about a year since the last cycle. I'm looking to use this as a cutting cycle - would that have any bearing on how much I need.

    and when should I start PCT - two days after last prop injection?

    Anyone else have a thought?

    Start your PCT no earlier than 2 days after your last prop injection and no later than 7 days! I suggest you take Masteron instead of winny. Masteron is a very good cutting agent. Plus you have already taken winny in your first cycle. Let your body respond to something NEW!

    Advantages of Masteron for you:

    1.) will not aromatize at any dosage

    2.) considered one of the best (if not the best) cutting agent (IMO)

    3.) will not destroy your joint like winny does

    4.) can take at higher dosages than winny

    5.) has a low anabolic/androgenic ratio (means you are gonna get good results w/o alot of sides!

    6.) You will have done your PCT before the Masteron, but dont fret the Masteron actually inhibits aromatization in the other steroid compounds you take. It acts as a anti-estrogen! This is another great Advantage!

    Sorry i couldnt get to you earlier, i had a workout and some Gine i had to take to dinner!
    Last edited by pioneer; 01-10-2006 at 01:30 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks for the PCT advice bro.

    How do you take masteron? it's injectable I believe. Do you take it ED or EOD? I don't think I could do 11 weeks injecting myself ED... haha... 11 weeks EOD sure.

    Also what dose / duration have you ran it for?

    and number 6) i don't understand - what do you mean i will have done the pct before teh masteron, wouldn't I run the masteron during my cycle?
    maybe i'm just confused... it's late.

    Thanks Bro.

    and hope the dinner went well - PITTB

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    I'm starting my second cycle here shortly, which will consists of

    Prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-11 (80 days of gear, 40 injections).
    Winny 50mg ED weeks 6 - end of cycle (5 weeks worth of pills - 35 pills)
    Clen two weeks on / two weeks off duration of cycle.
    Novla 10mg ED
    PCT Novla / Clomid ect.

    I ran winny at the end of my last cycle and corresponded it to end two weeks after my last Injection of Test E - so I could start PCT right after I was done.
    Should I do something similiar with this cycle?

    Also should I start PCT two days after my last prop injection?

    Trying to get a little more cutup with this cycle - going to keep diet clean and calories about where they are now. Does anyone have a link to a good thread with advice on cutting with prop or a similiar cycle to my own? Or maybe some advice?

    Thanks for all the help bros! hope all those questions make sense.

    Read the bold. You can do this. Take masteron weeks 6-13. This way it'll end two weeks after your last test injection. So your PCT will start just after week 11. So you will now only be on Masteron. But, that is ok it will help solidify some of your gains. You do not need PCT with Masteron only! It actually acts as an anti-estrogen.

    if you can only get ahold of the propionate ester you need to inject EOD at 150mgs. If you can find the Enanthate ester you need only inject 1 or twice weekly.

    Good Luck Bro!

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