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Thread: T-Bol: Up 5 lbs after 3.5 days wtf??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    T-Bol: Up 5 lbs after 3.5 days wtf??

    I am currently on day 6 of a T-Bol Only cycle @50mg ED. I'm running it for 4-5 weeks depending on how fast my gains come on. It is my first use with AAS. Been lifting for 5.5 years, originally 120. 23 years old.

    Start of Cycle:
    Height: 5-10
    Weight: 176.3
    Max Bench: 235
    Waist: 31''

    Day 4: 181.1
    Day 6: 182.6

    Six ****in' pounds already. I wasn't expecting it to kick in until day 7 or so. Some of this could be from the fact that I had lost some weight & strength because I coudln't train heavy for a little while and gained most of it back before I started my cycle so I could simply be progressing back to form. Some of it could simply be me upping my calorie intake from 4000 to 4500-5000. Some of it could be the 5x5 program I'm using and I'm finally am past the "warm up" stage from the program.

    At any rate, I know it is at least kicking in. I wasn't expecting to be six pounds up after six days so could any of it possibly be bloat? This is amazing. Today I benched 220 x 5 times..A week ago I was repping 215 4 times. I've been eating like crazy, keeping a log. Being very strict, and I quit drinking completely while I'm on this little cycle. I'm taking in AT LEAST 300 grams of protein a day.

    Day 1
    4329 calories
    Day 2
    4396 calories
    Day 3
    5060 calories
    Day 4
    4580 calories
    Day 5
    4300 calories
    Day 6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    maybe its just your high calories and good effort in the gym...a little could be from tbol but looks like your working hard as it is and doing it right...are you going to be using injectbales along with the tbol?

  3. #3
    I wouldnt attribute all to the tbol. Most is probably water. Why just tbol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    T-Bol only, just to get my feet wet. I like the low sides..I didn't run test as a base because I've had natural gyno problems in the past and I'm already fairly hair and I'm terrified of more hair growth. I've read of a ton of guys who got back hair, increased hair growth etc etc on test. I've been thinking about EQ if i ever do a another cycle...but even then people say you need to run test as a base. I'm not going to run test, ever.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Tbol doesn't put water on you so I would say it's mostly the high cals which is good. Tbol is good stuff, no doubt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhawk21
    T-Bol only, just to get my feet wet. I like the low sides..I didn't run test as a base because I've had natural gyno problems in the past and I'm already fairly hair and I'm terrified of more hair growth. I've read of a ton of guys who got back hair, increased hair growth etc etc on test. I've been thinking about EQ if i ever do a another cycle...but even then people say you need to run test as a base. I'm not going to run test, ever.
    Gyno and hairloss? Anti-e's and finastride/dutastride. Problem solved, get on some test.

    First of all speedy, you need to do a lot of reading before planning cycles that can hurt you more than help you. An EQ only cycle can and will suppress your endogenous test production (HPTA) which can give you some serious sides that you may not shake for awhile. You always do test with most cycles to keep your HPTA healthy and recoverable. Orals like tbol are generally used to jump start long ester compound(s). Orals (c17) are not full cycles because of their toxic properties due to the carbon being altered at the 17th position (c17, alkylated). You don't want to stay on c17 orals more than 6 weeks by rule of thumb. Your liver and kidneys will not like you so much if you do long oral cycles.

    Ok, I'm off to the gym for a late night w/o. Working all day, need to relieve stress....
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 01-11-2006 at 12:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Gyno and hairloss? Anti-e's and finastride/dutastride. Problem solved, get on some test.

    First of all speedy, you need to do a lot of reading before planning cycles that can hurt you more than help you. An EQ only cycle can and will suppress your endogenous test production (HPTA) which can give you some serious sides that you may not shake for awhile. You always do test with most cycles to keep your HPTA healthy and recoverable. Orals like tbol are generally used to jump start long ester compound(s). Orals (c17) are not full cycles because of their toxic properties due to the carbon being altered at the 17th position (c17, alkylated). You don't want to stay on c17 orals more than 6 weeks by rule of thumb. Your liver and kidneys will not like you so much if you do long oral cycles.

    Ok, I'm off to the gym for a late night w/o. Working all day, need to relieve stress....
    If someone are very prone to balding, proscar want eliminate hairloss when stacked with test. (It wont even eliminate hairloss with people who are not using aas, only slow it down.) It will only block the conversion to DHT in the scalp, but you will still get the androgenic activity in the scalp. The androgen recepter in the scalp is the same as the one in the muscle.

    It wouldnt be any easier to recover from an EQ-cycle if you included test, it would be harder. EQ in moderat dosages will only supress 60-70%, while test will shut you down completely.

    Ime not saying test is bad, but what drugs to use depends what your goals are, and what sides you are worried about.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    An EQ only cycle can and will suppress your endogenous test production (HPTA) which can give you some serious sides that you may not shake for awhile. You always do test with most cycles to keep your HPTA healthy and recoverable. Orals like tbol are generally used to jump start long ester compound(s). Orals (c17) are not full cycles because of their toxic properties due to the carbon being altered at the 17th position (c17, alkylated). You don't want to stay on c17 orals more than 6 weeks by rule of thumb. Your liver and kidneys will not like you so much if you do long oral cycles.
    I know this already tho, but what else can you stack EQ with? I'm never going to run test. I'm sorry, I'm just not. My biggest concern is fear of an increase in body hair not losing scalp hair even though thats up there, thus it is not a good compound to run for my goals. I already have a big problem, and NO it doesn't work to just shave it, ingrowns etc etc. I have to laser every 12 weeks. Anways I'm not gonna get into it.

    I've thought about running Deca/Primobolan stack, but I don't know anything to take to prevent progestrerone gyno. But so far, I'm likin' the T-Bol. No sides at all except not being able to sleep, but I think that's all in my head. Haven't really noticed huge pumps to tell you the truth yet though like I have read.
    Last edited by Jayhawk21; 01-11-2006 at 01:19 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    You would have gained this weight without the t-bol. Just look at how many calories you're taking in! Generally people go by 20 x bodyweight for bulking, which would mean you need around 3600... not 4500!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I usually eat this much though. 4000 a day, I've just upped it to on average about 500 calories. Eating is a bitch. I'd like to think I did it on my own, think I can get to 190?? Haha I don't, hope so though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    t-bol is dry gains, its from the calories... plus 50 mg is alot for someone who weighs 160 or 180 whatever u are

  12. #12
    forget the bullshit. Tbol only is great for a first cycle. Do it like that for your next few cycles. Make small consistent gains. Do proper pct, eat right, workout like a monster and get adequate rest. You will have no problem retaining your gains. Gotta love those virgin receptors. Just listen to your self. Seeing is believing. No need to jump into long hard cycles, or even those being test based or related. Tbol is a great compound, especially for a novice. Good luck, and keep us posted!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    tbol experience

    I broke the 190lbs. barrier yesterday--192 lbs. baby. My goal by end of 2006 is 200lbs. @ no more than 10% BF.
    test prop 75mg ED
    tbol 60mg ED (30mg split morning and evening), I may bump to 70mg.

    I am really liking my Tbol guys. IMO, it beats the hell out of Anavar.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Great gains. The added mass is probably due to the added calories. The Tbol should really help you pack on some mass. Happy growing!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    t-bol kicks anavars ass for price and wellness of how it works

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    If you dont want to include test you could do a Eq, tbol cycle or a eq, anavar cycle for ur 2nd go at it and from what i heard you can just take some proviron for the lack of sex drive.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    You were small to start off with (no where near ready). Now that your training and eating better thats why you are seeing these type of gains that you could have achieved naturally and while being 23yrs old.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    [QUOTE][You were small to start off with (no where near ready). Now that your training and eating better thats why you are seeing these type of gains that you could have achieved naturally and while being 23yrs old./QUOTE]

    I'm ready. I've gained 58 pounds of lean muscle mass in 5.5 years. How do you know I'm not ready based on my weight? Weight has almost no bearing with weather or not you should start. The progress you've made does..

  19. #19
    Yeah, don't listen to people about needing to add test. Just run some EQ 1000mg is good cause anything less doesn't do much. I've heard people say they can't tell the difference between 500mg and 1000mg and I'd have to agree, so 1000mg isn't overkill. Then you can just add a little drostanolone enanthate or proviron to support sexual function, which will also take care of the slight estrogenic sides with EQ. Another optional thing you could add is a little furazabol ~5mg to your O-T. 6-8mg is standard treatment for high colesterol in Japan, so a low dose of that shouldn't cause hairloss problems, and would be benificial.

  20. #20
    1000mg of eq is ridiculous, all you need is 600-800

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    are tbol gains as easy to keep as var gains?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death
    1000mg of eq is ridiculous, all you need is 600-800
    The more you take the better gains you get!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    High cals are probably the cause...other issues not related to the T-bol could factor in as well.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Start of Cycle:
    Height: 5-10
    Weight: 176.3
    Max Bench: 235
    Waist: 31''

    Day 13: 184.1 Benched 225 x 7..

    I just got back from the weekend in Las Vegas, and believe it or not I didn't drink one drop but it was very difficult to take in alot of calories, so my calories dipped to probably 3000-3500 a day Friday, Sat, and Sun but I'm back on track. The weight isn't the big thing this time. I'm only up a pound and a half in the last week.

    I only got to work out three times last week, and I was planning to workout Friday morning before my flight but my flight time ended up being earlier than I thought. At any rate, I went almost five days without working out. Man that was tough. I tried to find a gym in my hotel, but all they had was some stupid spa thing and 5 and 10 pound free weights. What a joke.

    THE BIG THING I NOTICED since the last time I worked out is my strength. It has absolutely gone through the roof. I've benched 250 before, but at the start of my cycle I was only at about 235 and today I put up 225 seven times which leaves me around 270 mark max. I think I might of been able to put up an eighth too. Curls, Rows, and everything were also up but for some reason my squat has really been lagging. I haven't really noticed much difference in the weight, which is odd. Hopefully it will catch up to the rest of my body.


    +7.8 pounds in thirteen days.
    +35 pounds to bench press
    I think I have probably stayed at the same body fat or even lost a half of percent.
    I can't stop looking at chicks asses, even fat ones. Dunno what the deal is

    Only sides I've noticed is a few bloody noses, which could be from the dryer air in Vegas and having trouble sleeping at night. I have absolutely no stomach or gas problems from OT like I hear everyone else reporting. Zero.
    Last edited by Jayhawk21; 01-17-2006 at 01:23 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Great gains! Plan on starting a similar cycle very soon. Definatly interested in the final result.

    Keep us updated!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    This thread is a pretty good read about T-bol

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