Could some one tell me if you can ge your membership card for the NPC right before the contest when you register, or must this be done previously way befoe hand.
Could some one tell me if you can ge your membership card for the NPC right before the contest when you register, or must this be done previously way befoe hand.
I got my first one about 20 minutes before pre-judging.
But that was back in 1990. You might want to contact them just to be safe.
if you currently don't have an NPC card, you can pay for it the day of the show. The NPC card is valid from Jan to Dec.
You definatley can get the card the morning of the show or at the weigh in the night before depending how the show is set up.
you can get it at the day of the show. It's ****ed up too, it's like 70 dollars, and its not good for 1 year, its good for the remainder of the months in the year from the time you get it. I got mine in late Sept, so it was good for basically 3 months.
if u register at the show just yous the reseat they give you you should get your card in about a month .
ya i got mine the morning of the show in sept and i was only valid for 3 months it B.S. but its the game and they play it well...
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