do you have dihareea or is it "normal" shit?? I dont shit more often from vitamin c unless I go above 20 grams. Maby you have a lower bowel tollerance. Do you get the same from 12 grams??
do you have dihareea or is it "normal" shit?? I dont shit more often from vitamin c unless I go above 20 grams. Maby you have a lower bowel tollerance. Do you get the same from 12 grams??
It is just the same old normal Sh!t just a lot of times.. Well I am not worried just wondered if it had some sort of laxitive effect.. Maybe I will drop to 12 grams and see if that makes a difference.
johan excellent thread, dose vitamin c have any direct effect on muscle hypertrophy.....
sorry somethings has wrong there^^^^^^^
SPG.. yes yes we understand gosh don't get so exctied and post 10 times hahaha. you got to love those server lags.
I took the liberty to delete the multiple posts
I dont know if it has any direct effect. But since it lowers cortisol it sure must make hypertrophy more likely. I find that I get less sore and recover faster nowdays when I megadose it. But might be just placebo effect.
can someone delete them please. ah thanks johan
Last edited by S.P.G; 01-10-2006 at 02:13 PM.
Originally Posted by oldman
You have to look at the type of subjects to really achieve any sort of conclusion relevant to people like us. Did these subjects perform regular cardiovascular/weight training?Originally Posted by RONINASAUNA
well shucks, lemme go buy a bottle already...
okay 'nother question.. Weight lose on high-doses of VitC. I am on a strict diet and lifting/cardio program (~SC client). Now my question is have you noticed any weight lose/fat loss on your VitC doses? I am in week 10 of my program and I am losing lots of fat, gaining muscle in a nice slow but steady basis but since I added VitC I have dropped weight twice in the past 3 weeks (total of 8.5lbs) out of the total of 15.5lbs in the total 10 weeks. So basically I have lost more in the past 3 weeks than I have in the prior 7 weeks. Oh and I have gone up in lifting weight about 10%
Now maybe it is just my body just getting into the groove now and not the VitC at all but I thought I would ask and mention.
Originally Posted by BIGPHIL
yes I defenetly noticed weightloss when I was cutting and added the vitamin c. My weightloss had stalled and I had not lost any weight for 2 weeks. When I added the vitamin c(didnt change anything else) I started losing weight again. I also noticed more strenght. I have never been sure if this was placebo effect or truly the vitamin c but if you notice things aswell I guess it rules out placebo a bit Vitamin c is a weak diuretic aswell so some of the weigh you lost is probably water.Originally Posted by oldman
Do you notice less soreness btw??
I am on a cutting diet/program so i am doing more high-rep lower weights but what is odd is my "lower" weights are now getting up to where they were for the low reps so I guess I am getting stronger over all. I am not putting the gains as being due to VitC but just a good diet and Smart lifting.
now on being sore, I honestly have to say I am not noticing it as much in my muscles where before I would have doms after a good leg day.. the only thing still hurting is my shoulders and elbows but that is still joint problems but those don't even seen to be as bad.. After Chest day the 2 days following my elbows are screaming at me but before it was everyday.
Maybe it is just my imagination but so far so good.. I am trying to keep this info updated also at least once per week for others to see. I don't think VitC is the end-all supplement but I wish I had done this a long time ago.
I have gone up to only 5 grams a day and am in the washroom more. No watery sh*t, just more regular... uhh which is good, I think
johan i read this post about 2 weeks ago and been taking vit c in 8-10g daily! anyways, lost about 8 1/2 pounds sence! i guess it works!! but got joint problems .little sore can you help with that!!!
Originally Posted by alex7674
wow 8 lbs?
with no other supplements????
Originally Posted by G-Force
It sounds like a lot of water weight loss which is possible I suppose.. Why I would think this is the sore joints as thre water came off the joints dried out and are not sore?? Just a guess.. I am no expert. (to sore joints I am not to VitC)
I dont think vitamin c is anywhere near as diuretic to cause joint problems. Maby if you dont drink enough. I notice that if I mega dose vitamin c and dont drink enough water I get headaches and I assume its because of slight dehydration.
Alex try to chug down more water.
see I told you I was not the expert.. It was more of the thought.. I will not do that anymore.
dont consider me a expert either. Using vitamin c for bodybuilding purposes is probably something very new that we are guinnea piging right now
well we shall see how it goes I guess. I am getting tighter everyday it seems.. of course it is not just VitC I am using but ALA and AlCar plus CLA and and and. but I am currrently not using anything else (no AAS) I am in PCT now so we shall see how that effects things.. I hope the VitC will help keep off any extra water during this time also.
just an update...
ive been taking 12g/day of sodium ascorbate for almost 3 weeks now. excellent benefits, i must say...i have dropped about 4 lbs and notice a slight increase in energy. not sure if the weight loss was water weight...i have noticed the effects of C being a diuretic. it seems as if no matter how much water i drink, im always a little dehydrated when i wake-up in the mornings. im sure it doesnt help that im supplementing with creatine either. have yet to see any abatement in joint pain...hopefully thats soon to come. you think i would see increased benefits if i upped to 15g/day? i havent experienced any of the stomach problems some of you have been speaking of. also, would like to say thanks to all (johan) for the informative posts.
keep us uppdated oldman(how old are you btw )??
Swingbatta Im not sure if the increase would make a noticable difference. But there is nothing negative associated with that increase so by all means go ahead. I have noticed that if I go above 15 grams on workout days I can go hypoglycemic post workout. So if you notice that just consume some carbs.
on, nothing to help loose faster.i'm on creatine , whey protien,l-glutamine , vit c,multi vit, calcium,and just got on the new leukic two days ago. its the new stuff from muscletech.i guess it keeps one in anabolic stage!!! i dunno, sounds like bs , but i'm trying it!!!Originally Posted by G-Force
does flex oil act as a lubricant for joints ?? i heard that somewhere!!!! true.......or bunch of bs?
johan I am 38 so this means I am twice as good as an 18 year old. Or maybe twice as fat??
Not changing the subject, but what kind of CLA are you taking??Originally Posted by oldman
alex omega 3 oils(as in flax and fishoil) its suposed to be good for joints. Mostly because its anti inflamatory I belive.
Oldman you can be happy knowing your not as fat as this 21 year old right here
johan what you have to say is very interesing and im intersted in taking vitamin C in big quanities but what are your credientials to say there are no negative effects?
well no more then my credentials to give dietary advice or steroid advice(i.e none other than self education).
Reading the books I recomended earlier in the thread firmly proves its safety though and they are written by medical professionals
I'll back johan up any day. He might not be a pro but most all of his advice is from professional articlels, books and such. Hes not a mod for nothing, but also about the vitamin c thing the people he has suggested to use have all come back with positive remarks. Just my .02Originally Posted by suzuki99
thanks bro
I don't know how to say this but this is directed to the poster above asking for johan's credentials.. I don't think it was asked in a mean way (I hope) just asking to see if johan had a background in this..
Now what I want to say in reference to this is I would personally take advice from studies, real life use, and personal experience over the drug-slinging, prescription-pad toting doctors of todays time. I have been to doctor after doctor and have spent $1000's trying to find out what is wrong with my joints. Blood work, x-rays, taken drugs, rubbed on creams, gave up lifting for a while.. Nothing works and when it came to this point you have to look at taking these issues into your own hands and learn and try things to see what will work.
Now is it smart to see some "cure" on an open message board and start doing what it says? Probably not but johan has given so much background info, links to studies and with some common sense a person can see that this water soluble vitamin is not going to hurt you other than maybe give you some stomach discomfort.... I will tried that for the joint pain I have suffered with for 3-4 years now.
Basically my point is in this world you can either get doped up by high priced drugs that the doctors are pushing to make the drug companies money or you can look for an alternative in some situations to help cure, treat yourself.
johan I for one appreciate all the hard work you do here.. Not just in this thread but you have brought some other great ideas to light and always provide sound information to back up your theories.
I detected no rudeness in his post either, just caution wich is smart
thanks alot oldman
Originally Posted by johan
Either did I agree that he was just Asking. Better to ask and be sorry later.
i love you guys!!! group hug!!!!
j/k, no group hug.. but i still love you!
i got a few qestions. I started mega dosing a week ago today. I have been taking 3 serving of absorbic acid in one of those white plastic spoons packed flat. How much do u guys think this is im guessing about 3 to 5 grams so i am taking this three times a day. Also i am having the shyts like bad starting yesterday and all day today non stop since it has started. WHy did it start so late any advice thanks
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