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Thread: me and wife want to cycle

  1. #1

    me and wife want to cycle

    I need some help. A few years ago, I did a 12week cycle and got great results from it, then I moved away, got married and lost alot of it. Well now I have talked with my wife and we decided we "both" want to do a cycle. She doesn't want to get big at all, just cut fat and alittle toner, she is 5'0 130lbs. I want to add alittle muscle but tone up alot more what I have. I am 5'8, 180lbs. My previous cycle I did sust, equipose and winstrol, any suggestions on what we should both try?? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    How long have you both been training?

    What are your ages?

    Why do you want to subject your wife to anabolic steroids?Do you feel that is a healthy alternative,as opposed to diet and cardio?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vizion3
    I need some help. A few years ago, I did a 12week cycle and got great results from it, then I moved away, got married and lost alot of it. Well now I have talked with my wife and we decided we "both" want to do a cycle. She doesn't want to get big at all, just cut fat and alittle toner, she is 5'0 130lbs. I want to add alittle muscle but tone up alot more what I have. I am 5'8, 180lbs. My previous cycle I did sust, equipose and winstrol, any suggestions on what we should both try?? Thanks.

    well for her the best thing would probably be diet, maybe some clen or t3.. but I have heard woman on these forums taking var or winny only cycles, but the best bet would be to ask them... as for you it depends on your goals.. do you want to bulk, or cut?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    dont give ur wife steroids...... give her clen and t3 at a maximum....

  5. #5
    I have been training on and off for 8 years, I am 26, she is 24. I have been trying to get her to be ok with me doing a cycle, and she is finally ok with it, but was interested in possibly herself too. Honestly I feel diet and exercise would be enough for her, but wanted to check with you guys and some advice first. I race motocross so I don't want to get huge, but more lean for sure with (some) increase in muscle size. I have tried the diet and exercise alone, but it just isn't getting me where I want to be, plus I am a sales rep and have to eat catered lunches everyday, so eating perfect is almost impossible to do. Not to mention the lack of extra gym time I have.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vizion3
    I have been training on and off for 8 years, I am 26, she is 24. I have been trying to get her to be ok with me doing a cycle, and she is finally ok with it, but was interested in possibly herself too. Honestly I feel diet and exercise would be enough for her, but wanted to check with you guys and some advice first. I race motocross so I don't want to get huge, but more lean for sure with (some) increase in muscle size. I have tried the diet and exercise alone, but it just isn't getting me where I want to be, plus I am a sales rep and have to eat catered lunches everyday, so eating perfect is almost impossible to do. Not to mention the lack of extra gym time I have.
    You cant pack food?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vizion3
    I have been training on and off for 8 years, I am 26, she is 24. I have been trying to get her to be ok with me doing a cycle, and she is finally ok with it, but was interested in possibly herself too. Honestly I feel diet and exercise would be enough for her, but wanted to check with you guys and some advice first. I race motocross so I don't want to get huge, but more lean for sure with (some) increase in muscle size. I have tried the diet and exercise alone, but it just isn't getting me where I want to be, plus I am a sales rep and have to eat catered lunches everyday, so eating perfect is almost impossible to do. Not to mention the lack of extra gym time I have.

    What does your current diet and workout routine look like? Steroids will only help so much, if you can't find the time to perfect your current routine, then it will be a waiste of time (and money) to try and aid yourself using aas. You can't take MRP packets with you to work? You can get one of those personal shakers from GNC for like $4.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Do you know the NORWAY?
    Let's asume your stats and history is in check.

    Week 1-12: EQ or Primo @300-500mg EW
    Week 5-12: Winstrol @50mg ED
    Week 7-12: Proviron @50mg ED
    Week 1-10: Parabolan @76mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Primo @300mg EW

    Week 1-8: Primo @100-200mg EW
    Week 2-8: Anavar @20mg ED

  9. #9
    I could do meal replacement packs, and have done that in the past, but when I am taking a physician out to lunch and I either don't eat what he is eating, or I pull out my shake, They give me looks like I am being rude, or looking down on them for eating the food. I have tried it before and I don't really think it helped my sale. I do carry bars for mid morning and mid afternoon snack/meals though. I am working out 4-5 days a week, but I have seemed to hit my peak, like I always do.

  10. #10
    your race mx?
    then your gonna watch witch steroids you choose.
    because you dont want to loose stamina, get craaazy arm pump, and just be all around slow for that sport. stay away from anything that will bloat you. ie Dbol, Drol, Deca...I think if you want to run a cycle use prop, eq, winny.
    that will keep you leaner than any longer esterfied test.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    If you can't gain over 180lbs now and you eat right and all, then you will never, and i repeat never you will keep the new muscle you get. If you think just doing juice and then go on a little crossbiking then the muscles is gone, this is one of the artforms that really take your full dedication. If you can't kick ass in the gym now you will not do it later either. Love is the key here, if you don't love working out, it will never be good and you will just mess up your body for nothing using steroids.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    One more thing, if you did a cycle before you can just train and get alot back from musclememory. Don't be a lazy ass, there is not shortcuts, and you did not want to get big anyway so just train and eat.

  13. #13
    thanks tin tin for the uplifting remarks! just kidding. I realize there are no shortcuts, I just cannot seem to get the muscle back that I had, and cut the bodyfat anymore than I already have. As I said before, I seem to have hit a peak. I am trying to put more time into the gym, it is just discouraging knowing how I looked and felt when on my previous cycle, and not being able to get there again with just working out and diet alone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Test-e 500mg/week Nolva 20mg/day for 15 weeks
    Weeks 16-17 Nolva 10mg a day

    Just have you wife change her diet and do some cardio.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vizion3
    , plus I am a sales rep and have to eat catered lunches everyday, so eating perfect is almost impossible to do. Not to mention the lack of extra gym time I have.

    So let me get this right , you want to do gear but not eat right or goto the right for the right amount of time.........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    test e 250-500 and deca 300-400 10-12 weeks, proper pct and nolva for you. nothing more than T3 and clen for her but she will like the results. thats my .02

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    i just wanna say this is ridiculous, and 180lbs is no where near a peek of any sort. learn to eat and train and make time for eating and training, or just forget about it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aadren****e
    your race mx?
    then your gonna watch witch steroids you choose.
    because you dont want to loose stamina, get craaazy arm pump, and just be all around slow for that sport. stay away from anything that will bloat you. ie Dbol, Drol, Deca...I think if you want to run a cycle use prop, eq, winny.
    that will keep you leaner than any longer esterfied test.
    I agree with everything in that statement but the winny. Major joint problems not good for MX

  19. #19
    I was definitely thinking eq. and prob. winny, but didn't know that the joint probs would be that bad. I definitely can't use anything that will create too much arm pump because of the mx. Also, I was thinking of using some clen to cut down body fat, the only problem is, I have never used it before and I read that it gives you the shakes real bad, I already have the shakes alittle while taking nothing, and I don't want this to interfere w/my work, any comments?

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