Does it help?? Do u even need it??
Does it help?? Do u even need it??
I'm not a huge fan of creatine, on or off cycle. Creatine to me is like dianobol minus the strength gains, nothing but bloat and minimal gain.
anyone else???
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i don't think it would hurt. i don't personally use it unless i am on slin.
My opinions were always, "Once you go illegal, you never go back to legal again"
I take kre-alkalyn when I am on. It is a buffered creatine that doesn't make me as bloated as regular creatine.
also use kre-aklyn on cycle, monohydrate off cycle.
if at all, use it pct or afterwards
dont even bother with creatine. better to have less in your system then to much and creatine is not worth it.
the only time i really use creatine while on a cycle is when im also using insulin
i use NO-Xplode whether im on or off a cycle, it has creatine in it.
Creatine with slin and HGH. No need IMO, to use while on. I may be wrong but from what I know the only truely tested creatine that has been shown in studies in creatine Monohydrate. Like I said, I may be wrong, but I have seen actual medical studies-not biased brand names studies that show creatine monohydrate does work to help in strenght and some muscle growth. But I use it sparingly and only with HGH and slin.
I've been using creatine on and off now for 10 years straight. I like to use it when i'm on a cycle. I feel it keeps my muscles full and pumped. I use the Creatine Ethyl Ester instead of Monohydrate. Less bloat and overall better IMO.
creatine does help during pct also can be taken during cycle but as other people said, it makes u even more bloated...sometimes this is good tho if ur aiming for size.
I personally saw nice gains while natural on creatine but nothing special.
Also u need to drink lots of water (about 3 litres a day) since u have to keep ur kidneys "clean" and this makes u hold even more water.
When u come off creatine u notice that u loose some size due to the water retention
While "on" personally I wouldn't. For the same reason that test only cycles are best for beginers. You want to know how your system reacts. If taking creatine and dbol for example, you would not know which one is bloating you.
Remeber that everyone is different. For me creatine bloats the hell out of me.
So I wouldn't know how much something like test or dbol might bloat my system.
When ever I had done a prohormone cycle, I stopped creatine, and started it up again in PCT.
This way I was able to chart how much gains I had made while on cycle, and chart how I reacted to the cycle. (eg 4ad bloated me more than creatine did.)
my first cycle of test e i used it and gained a total of 33 pnds and strength went throught he roof, however i have no other cycles of not using it to compare to. i did hold quite a bit of water between the two but i think it helped.
IMO creatine is an excellent supp 'on' or 'off'. I guess i'm a creatine super responder.
I agree.Originally Posted by big k.l.g
I use Creatine whilst "on" and "off".
I use creatine and NO mix - amazing pumps on cycle!
Let's go A's, gotta love em!Originally Posted by dirtyvegas
Last edited by Jray1der; 01-17-2006 at 10:44 AM.
Fellas, it is my understanding that with creatine, the bloat that you experience is in effect a positive thing since it is actually your muscles retaining the water in efforts to keep itself hydrated, which in turns with hard work will obviously give you some nice gains in strength, size, and recovery. Now we all know that monohydrate is well known for this. I've tried both mono and ethyl and to be honest with you, you may not bloat as much with ethyl, but the strength gains are crap compared to mono. So, IMO, ethyl is overpriced and less effective compared to monohydrate and I will never use ethyl again. If you use gear or creatines, you want the bang for your buck no doubt about it, so I will always go with the most effective substances for myself.
Creatine increases muscle stem cell activity, on or off cycle IMO that's a good thing. It also helps regulate body temp and has anti-oxidant properties.
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