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Thread: ultimate fighting

  1. #1

    ultimate fighting

    hi, first time on here and im looking for some help. ive just been watching ultimate fighting championships and was wondering is anyone had any idea what these guys are taking to get them in the shape they are to fight?

    any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Bro I'm sure its not just gear........ They bust there ass in the gym and on the mat.


  3. #3
    Ya these guys are cardio freaks. They train like mad men. I wish I had that kind of drive. Ive read on sherdog that Pride is the only MMA Org. that does not test for AAS. With that being said I am not sure about how many guys in UFC do AAS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    tehy only test for ther title bouts and occasionally otherwise too.. Many UFC HW champions have gotten caught. I personally believe a big part of em juices.. But thats not to undermine the effort they put into their training.

  5. #5
    i agree with all of you, they do bust their ass in the gym. ive had a couple of fights myself and ive never been tested. it seems that the people who are the most successful are the people who are extremely talented and juice. my concern is the effect on muscle fatigue juicing would have. ive always heard fighters say "he's on gear so he'll burn out in the 1st round" and was wondering why the guys in the top promotions like UFC done seem to have that problem?

  6. #6

    Ultimate Fighting

    They are in great shape and MOST IMPORTANTLY they have HEART. I have a 2nd degree and I would never want to get into a scrap like that. I don't have the heart to get banged around like that. It takes a special type person.

    When I studied years ago it was a Dojo policy not to spar at 100% and more than half the black belts didn't have it in them to go into an ultimate fighting bout, seriously.

    You can call me a wimp, that's fine; but these guys are true fighters.

    Gear and hard work

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    well.... Im guessing the greatest foghter there is IMO is not juicing (Fedor) .. he has amazing cardio and hes a little plump and definetly doesnt look very cut ... but that doesnt seem to stop him.. The fact is the bigger muscles u got the bigger strain it is for ur cardio also .. - which needless to say is important..

  8. #8
    this may sound like a stupid question but does the fact that fedor doesnt look in great shape mean that he's definitly not juicing? if you were to prescribe gear for a MMA fighter what would you recommend? i know very little about this kind of stuff and the effects of different types of gear and am interested.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    if they used i would assume it would be a short ester and some kind of oral as the two are generally out of your system in a month or so...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    winny, tuirnabol, anavar i would think they are on bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    most likely fast acting gear, that does not hurt cardio capacity(like tren).most ppl in the ufc dont even look real muscular. most of them have regular builds to me. but on a side note, what do you think about matt huges fighting royce gracie???

  12. #12
    I have 7 pro fights and have seen a lot around the levels of KOTC and even UFC. Many guys juice at the higher levels. At the lower levels, many do as well but have no idea what to take. The most popular I've seen people take are Winny, Anadrol, and Deca.... usually the ones which retain a lot of water are taken by the guys that don't know what they're doing.

    Hallman told me a while back the 2 most important things in fighting are cardio and technique. After that, size... if you've mastered those first 2 you'll kick ass on MANY, but maxing out your weight class is a good thing as well.

    ... and Fedor, my favourite fighter, who knows if he's on anything, but the guy is also superbly technical, a great ring general, and has fantastic cardio.

    Remember, unless you are fighting someone abnormally weak, unless you have a weight advantage of more than 10 lbs by fight time or are much more technical, strength won't be too much of an issue during the fight. Best thing AAS can be used for in MMA is for recovery. There are so many taxing sessions and methods one should train in for competition, I feel recovery is AAS best application.

    Last edited by fight_prof; 01-17-2006 at 05:08 PM.

  13. #13
    thanks everyone! so as far as recovery goes, are the ones already recommended the best? i train about 25 hours a week on various things (BJJ, muay thai, powerlifting, cardio, etc) and recovery is a problem, especially leading up to a fight. i was considering trying a 6 week cycle of winstrol to see what happens. the only other thing ive ever used is clen and i had pretty good results with that as far as retaining muscle mass.

  14. #14
    With Winstrol, there are many people that will tell you anecdotally that it "dries" your joints out and can set you up for injury. I am not sure either way on this as I have never done Winstrol.... BUT, even if the jury is out on that one, you might want to be careful with it. As you know, injuries can be very prevelant in MMA training due to the volume.

    I'd probably suggest Turinabol or Anavar, low dose for recovery. But, I am not as experienced with AAS as many on this board.

  15. #15
    thanks for the advice, its much appreciated! any other opinions on this?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    anadrol and deca i seriously doubt. you can tell whos juicing and whos not. just look at them and think do they fit in this weight class.

  17. #17
    gnp... I was stating what I have infact seen. They are not the drugs of choice for the reason you state.

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