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Thread: how much sleep and diet question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    how much sleep and diet question

    Right now i have to get up at 530am, that puts me going to bed around 11pm. thats only six and one half hours of sleep, there is no way that enough is there? how much should I shoot for? also im shooting for 300 grams of protien a day wich is not easy. but cals. where should I shoot for on that. IM 22 5 11" 197. I try to eat healthy, lean beef, chicken, tuna ect. if my cals are only 3000 a day, should I shoot for more and add stuff that is high in calories? but are not as healthy for me. Like going to boston market and getting half chicken meal vegies and potatoes.
    or just sack up and eat 4000+ all healthy?

  2. #2
    You want to keep all of your calories healthy if possible. You will gain much better weight that way. Get yourself on a good eating pattern. (every 2 hours or so) and if you feel you can't eat enough, throw in some shakes. Eating junk tends to hinder you in more ways than one. First off, it isn't good calories. Second, it can fill you up and cause you to not be hungry for that next meal.

    Keep it clean.

    As for sleep. I would shoot for 8 hours. Everyone knows that this isn't always possible, but try to make it your goal, and you will be fine. I tend to usually only get about 6 or maybe 7. I know that I need to work on it, but sometimes there is nothing I can do about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i always get 8hrs, but most of the time i get's hard, but if i dont do it, i'll feel like shit the next day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Yeah me too, its hard to get 8 sometimes, but as long as its 8 most of the time, thats what matters for me...

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