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Thread: Why am I so f'n itchy!!!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Why am I so f'n itchy!!!?

    Been on my 2nd cycle now for 6 weeks.
    Test 750mg a wk
    EQ 600mg a wk
    deca 500mg a wk

    My first cycle was the same cycle but a lot smaller dosages and I didn't have this problem. I don't know if it's because of the gear or something else but my feet and legs itch more than anything and it itches so bad that now I have cuts n shit all over my feet and legs from itching so much. And red little sores all over. Looks like I have chicken pox no joke. now my stomach and ass itch and it's driving me nuts! Any thoughts or advice you guys can give me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thats high dosage for ur second cycle bro maybe u should lower it little bit? i think its the eq.... or the thing that u got to much red blood cells

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Whats the thing where you have too many red blood cells?
    Last edited by IXISiDiuSIXI; 01-15-2006 at 10:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You could simply be manifesting symptoms of hypersensitivity to one or all of the compounds injected.

    What you described.. are hives.

    I'm not sure if is it's a histamine based response, thus i can't say if taking anti-histamines would be beneficial.

    It couldn't hurt tho... I'd suggest Claritin non-drowsy namely.

    Why the histamine-response is debatable is because some steroids (winstrol for example) are used as treatments of some allergies (and non-allergy, allgery-simulative disorders e.g. angioedema)

    Your reaction could possibly be in response to injections period. You are after all injecting a foreign body into your own... are you not?

    The hives possibly illustrate an immuno-response.

    It'd be very difficult to say what exactly.

    It could be the combination of Test; EQ and deca...all of which increase RBC (red blood cell) count.

    Increased RBC count can result in itching (for example, the blood disorder "polycythemia vera" is characterised by high RBC/WBC and platelet counts... and it's symptoms are: Headaches; Itching; Dizziness).

    This is just off the top of my head...Hope it sheds some light


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I have had anaphylactic shock before - it started out with swelling and basically itchy hives - then my throat swelled up which then led to my lungs collapsing... be careful... if you feel restriction in your throat - get to the ER immediately... especially if anti-histamines don't work - and try Benedryl. In the hospital I was pumped full of IV Benedryl, Prednisone and Epeniphrine - and pain killers... ya, lots of fun! blah...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    I have had anaphylactic shock before - it started out with swelling and basically itchy hives - then my throat swelled up which then led to my lungs collapsing... be careful... if you feel restriction in your throat - get to the ER immediately... especially if anti-histamines don't work - and try Benedryl. In the hospital I was pumped full of IV Benedryl, Prednisone and Epeniphrine - and pain killers... ya, lots of fun! blah...
    That's ill man...

    That's what i was saying in my prior post... We are, after all, injecting a foreign body.

    The process of injection is an invasion of sorts (i'm thinking along the lines of a bee-sting for example)..and as such can result in the process you reported above.

    I'm glad you came through safely.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    thanks for the info guys, Im gonna go get some claritin and see if this helps.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    keep us posted bro....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    I don't know if it's because of the gear or something else but my feet and legs itch more than anything and it itches so bad that now I have cuts n shit all over my feet and legs from itching so much. And red little sores all over. Looks like I have chicken pox no joke.

    i had that happen to me AFTER my last cycle .... had no clue what it was ... my arms were gross from all the scabs and shit ..... eventually it went away ... had no clue what it was though and it lasted for like 2 months .... if anyone knows what this could be ... cause i dont feel like de**** with that shit next cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I have the same itchy rash. Started in October. Thought it was poison ivy. Started near feet and has worked its way up to knees. Little bumps show up itchy as hell. Doc appt in 2 weeks. Not on anything for almost a year. Never had before.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by olederndirt
    I have the same itchy rash. Started in October. Thought it was poison ivy. Started near feet and has worked its way up to knees. Little bumps show up itchy as hell. Doc appt in 2 weeks. Not on anything for almost a year. Never had before.
    I never found out what my allergy was/is... I was in the Balkans at the time it happened - so could have been anything... and I may never come across it again. Doc said it had to have been something I injected to get such a reaction. It could have been some bad tuna I ate in the chow hall that day (insert joke here)... tasted weird. And he also said that everytime it will get worse... I got a deadly bee sting out there - but never figured out what it is...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by olederndirt
    I have the same itchy rash. Started in October. Thought it was poison ivy. Started near feet and has worked its way up to knees. Little bumps show up itchy as hell. Doc appt in 2 weeks. Not on anything for almost a year. Never had before.

    let us know what the doc says

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I had this twice you know that Warrior the doc gave me Arieus 5mg tabs by schring & Diprofos injection amp contain 2ml mix of 2 compounds its a cortisone shot water based milky look like winny i took a tab ed with the shot & after 3 days i was ok.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Did you try a shower?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    had the same thing. took benedryl. it helps to stop the itching. also try putting some baby powder on your skin. its very good for all types of skin irratations. my doc said it was from an allergy. took a couple months to go away.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Took some claritin last night and haven't been itchy all day. The hives are still there but they look a lot better since I'm not itching them. I guess I'm stuck with them for the rest of the cycle. If they get worse I'll go to the doc but they seems to just be staying on the leg area, a few on the stomach but thats it. Thanks for the info guys. Juicy sauce...if those are your arms in your avatar omfg they're HUGE! I'm jealous

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well its good to hear your getting better now am jealous i had to stop 2 cycles because of that first 1 was prop/eq for 3wks & stoped it then test e/deca/dbol & stoped it after 2wks & i dont know my condition if i can cycle again most likely do just test as last try & see how my body respond to it good luck with your cycle bro

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Boca Raton, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Did you try a shower?
    Lol, I suggest laying off the crack cocaine.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
    Took some claritin last night and haven't been itchy all day. The hives are still there but they look a lot better since I'm not itching them. I guess I'm stuck with them for the rest of the cycle. If they get worse I'll go to the doc but they seems to just be staying on the leg area, a few on the stomach but thats it. Thanks for the info guys. Juicy sauce...if those are your arms in your avatar omfg they're HUGE! I'm jealous
    thanks bro, but i dont think you want to be this size. you cant fit into some places, like on the rides at wonderland. its embarasing when they cant close the bar over your chest and they ask you to get off the ride and everyones watching... so did you try the baby powder? a rash likes moist skin and when you douce it with baby powder it some how stops the spreading. let me know.

  20. #20
    hey when the hives are bad... cold showers really help.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    thanks bro, but i dont think you want to be this size. you cant fit into some places, like on the rides at wonderland. its embarasing when they cant close the bar over your chest and they ask you to get off the ride and everyones watching... .
    doesnt seem like such a bad problem to have to me... LOL

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