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Thread: MTV- True Life Thread #2.... The Jdawg50 recap.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    MTV- True Life Thread #2.... The Jdawg50 recap.

    I watched this show last night.....

    1. The cover boy.
    -Even though he as the cooler of the 3 on the show... he stil annoyed the hell out of me. The whole... (I'll take a shot of winny....) the night before my photo shoot. was totally annoying.. come on man. The old guy "friend" of his shooting him in the ass with a test winny combo... kinda wierd... the old guy seemed to like it too much. His going up in weight in the curls was really annoying... not sure why.. but the whole (I've never been able to do that before thing). And the most annoying thing was how head headed right to the gym after his injection because "His Testosterone level was peaking right then and there".... Wow was that lame.

    2. The little gay guy (I have no problems with gay guys at all)
    -This guy was totally mentally unstable from the get go, and to go get on some gear to win a gay strip show.... well we know where his mentality is at as is. This guy sees a counselor on a regular basis, and there are obvious reasons for that..... He needs too. Throwing the gear in there only made him feel worse about himself (Because I think he felt bad that he was doing it, not because "the gear made him do it!!!!" This guy needs to be on prozac and other meds. He is depressed, and I would agree that a whole bunch of gear can make that worse.

    3.The MMA guy... Come on... He was on for 6 weeks. It looked to me like he was doning like 200mg of test, and 50mg of winny a week or something. Its not like he was on a gram of test, and acting all crazy... Shit he's into MMA (which I love) but you have to be a little nutty to like getting the crap beat out of you... The best thing about that whole story was the end, when he gave his GF her papers.

    4. Last but not least..The USC kid that when out and shot himself....
    -The gear made him do it.... It was because he was going threw withdrawl...
    OK, now I will admit, after a cycle I can get a bit down due to loss of gains and whatnot, but I am pretty metally stable. Lets go over what they said happened to this kid.... he basically dropped out of USC, Moved back home with Mom and dad, and was totally miserable because of that. Let me tell you, the most miserable time in my life was the 3 months after I finished college, moved home with Mom and Dad, and knew all my friends.... (and all the girls where back at school having a blast). If there's every been a time I thought about ending it all... it was when I was home from school, trying to figure out what the hell to do next, sleeping in the same room I slept in during high school.... but feeling like I'm an adult....
    That guy was metally unstable before Gear, and obviously was unstable after gear. His parents are devistated from the loss of thier son, and should be, but they IMHO are chasing the wrong culprit in this situation.

    Those are my thoughts on that show. I thought it was a shame that they were not more balanced. They really went out on a limb to find some dummies in my eyes. I wish they had found some other people that knew a bit more about the sport, dieting, and how important it is to educate yourself before you get on a cycle.

    Take care boys

  2. #2
    i completely agree... everything these guys did looked as if MTV wanted to knock on steroids...
    but if u think about it... what national cable network would air a full 30 min show.. that got such a LARGE audience.. all about the pros of juice... cuz the next day in school.. all i heard at lunch was the boys talkin bout the show..
    but the funny part is.. none of them were turned off by it.. so good job mtv... lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ya, The one guy kinda seemed like he was on the right path, he looked pretty good. The fighter and the gay guy looked like morons that didnt know what they were doing. Seems like mtv picked 1 decently knowledgeable guy and 2 morons to show how steroids are bad.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The "Model Guy" killed me!!!!!!!!, kept acting like he had a clue. He said he was on from Jan-June (6 F'in months) and took a few weeks off, then right back on. Yeah, he's smart.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    that sh1t was fukin wack. it made me more mad then anything. they could have found better ppl. the model guy looked good, but the other two were weak. the gay guy being the worst! why the hell would you juice for a weak ass competition in a club??did he even win any money?!?! he should have just gave his juice to his skinny ass boyfriend

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ya the day after the show i went to school and everyone at lunch was talking about it. they are even thinking about juicing now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My wife was eating that crap up. I couldn't agree more with your guys RE: the gay guy and the TapOut guy, one was unstable, the other a loser.

    The model guy was kinda cheesey, but WTF? He goes to some nutitionalist and has him stick him in the ass? WTf?!?! Didn't make sense, also when they showed him a few months later he looked like crap, so much for PCT and keeping it going strong.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I thought it was somewhat intresting, but all round kinda gay, you had 3 people with 3 different goals;1 wanted looks for money/fame, the other wanted looks for low self esteem and the last one to be better at a sport. In all honesty most people who juice do so because they want to look better for whatever psychological reason (get more girls, be the biggest mofo ever, thoughest...ya get the idea). Really, in the end there are 2 reasons to juice, looks or sports.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Check this out the cover boy goes to my GYM and today was the first time he went after the show and everybody was on his d**k, so annoying. but i guess everybody knows he a juice head now, lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    That's funny! Hahah, Is he a weakdick or what?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Pietros Maneos

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Anyone know of a link where you can download it yet? I've been looking all over for one and can't find it...

    did find the old HBO real sports one though..

  13. #13
    you dont wanna see it..its terrible

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I Agree It Was Awfullllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    Anyone know of a link where you can download it yet? I've been looking all over for one and can't find it...

    did find the old HBO real sports one though..
    here bro

    video of the episode

    Part One:
    Part Two:

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Was there really a need for a second thread about this?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Long Island
    All Mtv Did Was Make Juice More Popular, At The Gym Tonight I Overheard 2 Kids Asking One The Trainers Thier If He Could Get Them Winny Lol
    Not Only That But , I Think That Was All Set Up, Why Would A Ufc Fighter Put Himself On Tv When Ufc Is Very Strict About The Use Of Aas That Was A Stupid Move On His Part If He Was A Real Fighter Not An Actor.
    All That Show Did Was Make Kids That Are Unaware Of The Power Of Steriods Become Aware , And Now Want To Learn More About It.
    I Wonder How Many People Joined This Site , Since That Show Was On.

  18. #18
    Where the hell is the "Nutrition" store the model guy went to? The guy had a f'in lab set up there and injects you on the spot? What the hell kind of nutritionist is that??

  19. #19
    it came on while me and my girl was watching tv, and i made her turn it off because i knew it would influence her

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
    Check this out the cover boy goes to my GYM and today was the first time he went after the show and everybody was on his d**k, so annoying. but i guess everybody knows he a juice head now, lol
    I would find that "nutritionist" he went to.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    I have a question how do you know what they were taking, they bleeped every specific name other then the work testosterone.?

    and the fighter was taking a grip of gear, he got 2 shots that looked to be atleast 1.5ml each. I know his diet was shit to be on for 6 months and be skinny as f u c k. all broke out with acne too bad for him no wonder his girl left em, lol.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
    Check this out the cover boy goes to my GYM and today was the first time he went after the show and everybody was on his d**k, so annoying. but i guess everybody knows he a juice head now, lol
    What gym is that? If they didn't already know before, lol... I wonder who that nutrionist was, haha

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I don't get why someone would volunteer to be on that show, especially if you're doing drugs or some other stupid thing you wouldn't want people to know about. Your personal life is just on display too. What happens when someone recognizes you after the show gets aired? That'd would suck, especially because you know MTV isn't going to go out of its way to show you in a good light, not when showing you as a retard makes the show more interesting. With these guys they probably didn't have to try too hard though.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    thanks for the links bro.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyvegas
    I have a question how do you know what they were taking, they bleeped every specific name other then the work testosterone.?

    and the fighter was taking a grip of gear, he got 2 shots that looked to be atleast 1.5ml each. I know his diet was shit to be on for 6 months and be skinny as f u c k. all broke out with acne too bad for him no wonder his girl left em, lol.

    by the way it looks. that milky white/yellow stuff could not have been nothing else but winny.and they showed a bottle of deca.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Your girlfriend knows
    The "cover boy" was just ****ing weird. When the old dude injected him, why did he have to take off ALL his clothes and lay on the bed. I think he wanted a "prick" in the ass much much different than the pin! And at the nutritionist office he dropped his pants all the way to the floor. WTF! I think he needed the address of the gay guy and they could "prick" each other....

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Cover boy goes to Worlds Gym in Florida, as for the nutrition store? don't know where it's at but looks great to me, lol. i'm pretty sure he's getting a lot of business now...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoo70
    The "cover boy" was just ****ing weird. When the old dude injected him, why did he have to take off ALL his clothes and lay on the bed. I think he wanted a "prick" in the ass much much different than the pin! And at the nutritionist office he dropped his pants all the way to the floor. WTF! I think he needed the address of the gay guy and they could "prick" each other....

    I was asking myself the same question...

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    after the guy left the nutr. shop and they showed the outside of it i thought for sure that guy would get caught up for something...if he is injecting and giving advice he probably is slanging some juice here and there. but yeah if nothing happened to him he is most likely cakin with all the new business he is getting.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    oh yeah and why the hell was he naked on the table???giving up the ass for some free

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    wow that was awful....

    the one dude was big though, gotta give him that.
    I think the whole thing was staged.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Gay guy with 15 inch arms was fuc&in funny what a retard. Lookout for gay guys with roid rage.

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