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Thread: Sustanon Help!?

  1. #1

    Sustanon Help!?

    I was just wondering if some of you could help me with a few questions about sustanon.
    Im 22yrs old, 6ft and 77kg, i have been going seriously to the gym for around a year now and as most people have, im debating whether to to take the juice. im not to interested in getting massive just would like to put more muscle on. i have read that to do a 8wk cycle of 250mg each week, i have brought them in 1ml is that the same as 250mg?
    also what are the side effects of this particular steroid, as its oil based i was wondering if this meant it was more likely to give you acne? also how do i stop just taking it i read that i half the amount near to last 2wks? also at the end do i have to take the hcg to help restore my testosterone levels and would one cycle be enough?
    Sorry to ask so much just think its best to hear from the people that know best before i commit
    thanks again Mat

  2. #2

    few questions! help required

    I was just wondering if some of you could help me with a few questions about sustanon.
    Im 22yrs old, 6ft and 77kg, i have been going seriously to the gym for around a year now and as most people have, im debating whether to to take the juice. im not to interested in getting massive just would like to put more muscle on. i have read that to do a 8wk cycle of 250mg each week, i have brought them in 1ml is that the same as 250mg?
    also what are the side effects of this particular steroid, as its oil based i was wondering if this meant it was more likely to give you acne? also how do i stop just taking it i read that i half the amount near to last 2wks? also at the end do i have to take the hcg to help restore my testosterone levels and would one cycle be enough?
    Sorry to ask so much just think its best to hear from the people that know best before i commit
    thanks again Mat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I would run the sus longer more like 10-12 weeks i have never heard of cutting the amount to half. Just use some clomid for pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hey bro i gotta tell you as an advice before starting anything you can gain alot naturally its only been a year for you in the gym i trained naturally for 4yrs before starting anything & gained alot not to mention i researched 3yrs before i start anything dont be in a rush bro you still got time but if your insisting on doing cycle then do just test cycle 500mg ew for 10 or 12wks with 10mg nolva ed to combat estrogen & prevent gyno.

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  5. #5
    im going quite alot and have toned up quite abit i still have bout 15% bodyfat but have stopped doing so much cardio to try and put weight on which has helped alot, but i have come to what seems like a plateau i mean i struggle with 40kg on bench press is that normal i see people lifting s*!t loads more and they seem smaller than myself

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Brownie
    im going quite alot and have toned up quite abit i still have bout 15% bodyfat but have stopped doing so much cardio to try and put weight on which has helped alot, but i have come to what seems like a plateau i mean i struggle with 40kg on bench press is that normal i see people lifting s*!t loads more and they seem smaller than myself
    strength & power vary from person to another i was always the type of go heavy all the time when i first started which helped me to get used to lift heavy but after spending alot of time in the gym & gaining experince now i dont care about lifting heavy at all i just go with slow & right performance which made me work the muscle right.But i still insist that you dont start any cycle bro spend mor 2 or 3 years training naturally & beileve me you will thank me later.

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  7. #7
    That seems to be the advice im getting, which seems like the best advice really, what are your views on clen like to lose that extra bit of fat before a holiday?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Brownie
    That seems to be the advice im getting, which seems like the best advice really, what are your views on clen like to lose that extra bit of fat before a holiday?
    Clen is great used it many times with great success i have a bottle of clen made in italy there is 200 pills in it & still i have alot of them i recommend it just go to the educational threads & read about clen before you use it but be sure you get your diet in check with cardio & you will be fine.

    good luck

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