I went threw 2 10ML of Test E and 1 10ML of Decca(500mg Test EW and 300mg Decca EW)
ran this for 10 week and didnt gain a pound
right after the 10 weeks were up, i decided to get 2 10ML of Test Cyp and 1 10ML of Decca because i didnt gain anything...... mind you i did another 10 weeks and maybee gained 2 pounds however broke out A LOT
Im not sure if the gear was under dosed or what
I did get a bit hairy, and my hair on my head started to thin
After all of this, i decided to buy another and a final 10Ml of Cyp, this was another brand and i ran it for 5 weeks
I didnt gain anything
In Total i tryed 2 different brands
I was working out 5 days a week, eating about 250-300 grams of protein a day however i wasent counting my calorie intake
I know i shouldent have ran gear this long, but it was my first time and i wanted some results really bad
Maybee my diet was off, the calories we'rnt very high but im sure i would have gained an easliy 10 pounds if this gear was fine
I dont know if it was my body which wasent responding to gear or if the gear was underdosed
After the no gains, i decided to stay away from gear for the rest of my life because i was pretty pissed off
My buddy's want me to do another cycle and they want me to Try Stust
What do you guys suggest? I only want mass right now but im a little confused