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Thread: gear and drug tests

  1. #1

    Question gear and drug tests

    i know a guy that wants to start some gear but he does have random u.a. i was wondering if there is anything he can do that is in and out of his system before he has to take his drug test he 5'6" 175lbs roughly he just want to put on a little size is there any hope or would it be best to wait untill the probation period is over....thanks for the input guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dooey5252
    i know a guy that wants to start some gear but he does have random u.a. i was wondering if there is anything he can do that is in and out of his system before he has to take his drug test he 5'6" 175lbs roughly he just want to put on a little size is there any hope or would it be best to wait untill the probation period is over....thanks for the input guys
    It would be best for him to wait til the probation period is over... random tests are no joke.

    Explain what's tested for during "u.a." testing.

    Is it restricted to drug metabolites (if so.. what range of drugs?).. or do also they test urine temp/Ph; testosterone/epitestosterone ratio etc.?



  3. #3
    the test will be for pot and other drugs such a methamphetamines he had drug problems in the past but he got caught driving wile suspended and had pot on him so they are now going to be testing for those such things and drinking as well...still in your opinion it would be best to wait....?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I think he should be ok. They are probably only piss testing him.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Stick to test prop just to be safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dooey5252
    the test will be for pot and other drugs such a methamphetamines he had drug problems in the past but he got caught driving wile suspended and had pot on him so they are now going to be testing for those such things and drinking as well...still in your opinion it would be best to wait....?
    'k... i don't believe they test for anabolics on the test you just outlined... he should be fine.

    Like Mike said tho, test-prop/suspension would be the only thing i'd suggest.

    No metabolites... The only red flag would be his epi/test ratio being off.. but that wouldn't be relevant for non-competitive testing.

    He should be ok

  7. #7
    thanks guys that helps a lot i dont want him to get into any more

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