Holy Crap has any one seen this special on MTV real life I am on steroids. More bad press in the public eye. Course it doesn’t help that you have two out of the three fools on the show who are completely uneducated about the subject. I mean, the one guy (martial arts dude) argues with his girl saying it’s not a drug. I mean this fool looks like an ass and has no business trying to defend AAS use because he has no facts to stand his ground on. Then we have this other guy who decides that he is in some kind of depression and takes a whole bottle of pills because he says the steroids made him do it. Um well pal I think you had some issues prior the roid use. This ignorance just gives AAS another bad name in the media and publics eye so everyone can jump on the they are bad bandwagon. Unbelievable. Sorry all just had to vent some where because I won't want to go into a steroid rage and go smash out windows in the neighborhood, LOL......