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Thread: tren and YOUR blood pressure, please input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    tren and YOUR blood pressure, please input

    those guys that are on or have used tren what do your average blood pressures look like. im getting very concerned and eating very very clean as of late. speaking of clean eating, referring to low sodium, low cholesterol foods... i'm running out of patience with chicken and veggies. any advice on other foods?

    well my blood pressure a few days back was 137/97 with a heartrate of 98. today, an hour after workout, meal (protien shake, chicken breast, green beans) i clocked 147/112!!!!! i did happen to use a 'small arm cuff' but i'm not sure if that matters. i thought i was pretty restful, but my heartrate was 105.

    with the cycle, its going GREAT i'm on week 6, and the last 2 weeks have been amazing. i'm injecting 100-125mg EOD from my homebrew fina conversion. no test or nothing else. i LOVE TREN. the balls have been slowly shutting down over the last 2 weeks or so but thats no problem. i feel strong as a bull!

    anyway im hoping all who experienced tren can input in this thread. even just a little input of your before and after blood pressure, and also important how long does it take to return to normal when your off.

    off cycle blood pressure is 120/70.
    22 years old at roughly 220 at 11% bf.
    no family history of high blood pressure, or any other heart problems.
    been healthy all my life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    smaller cuff will give you a false high reading but tren, as most AAS will raise your BP. Just keep watching it and pick up more cardio.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    112 is dangerously high mate. I would go to a Dr and get that checked properly if I was you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    112 is dangerously high mate. I would go to a Dr and get that checked properly if I was you
    Post workout that is not a dangerouse number. You should only be concerned if that is your diastolic at rest.

    Your 137/97 is typical on tren or higher dosages of test. One of the many reasons you do not want to run these cycles longer than recommended. If you are only on for a couple months, those numbers will not do you damage, but keep an eye on it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    rofl when i was running tren around 120mg+'ED i had some UBER BP .. around 170+/92+ and i got some seroius meds for it and it dropped it ALOT

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    phew... a bit of relief!

    i just currently changed my diet after i saw 137/97 which was earlier this week. i was planning on introducing cardio this week from other advice i was given and continue to eat well.

    im not sure if its appropriate to discuss but do you guys drink any alcohol on tren? i've limited my nights out to 3 in the last 6 weeks, and tonight i would be going out if i hadn't seen my blood pressure, but i would like to hear opinions.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    rofl when i was running tren around 120mg+'ED i had some UBER BP .. around 170+/92+ and i got some seroius meds for it and it dropped it ALOT

    i was considering (well still i guess...) to see a doctor for high blood pressure medicine. but i figured meds will hurt my liver more.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have high blood pressure and take meds for it. All the advise in this thread so far is right on. Alcohol will raise it too for sure. My Doc told me to not drink too often & always hold it down to 1 or 2 in an evening. Wisdom anyhow for those of us on gear.

    I don't think Blood pressure meds bother your liver at all, never heard of that at all anyhwere. But having your blood pressure that high for too long is dangerious. I would go have it checked. I would NOT tell him you are on gear though. I would never admit that to any doctor with the laws we have now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thanks guys, really helpful information all around.

    if my blood pressure is still spiking within a week either i'll see a doctor or just drop tren. i was planning 10 weeks... so 4 remains.

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