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Thread: Cycle Of Sustanon-200 Alone?

  1. #1

    Cycle Of Sustanon-200 Alone?

    I just got a bottle of sustanon 200 and want cycle it alone. Would this be a good idea or should i plan on stacking it?

    Keep in mind i am very broke at the moment and may not have extra cash for awhile.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    What are your stats, age and workout experince ?

  3. #3
    I am 18 years old, 5'4 180. i have been working out for about a year and a half. i did a cycle of test 200 about 9-10 mothns ago, and my bench is at 295 and i have not maxed out on squat but im guessing around 385-400

  4. #4
    Do you think sustanon would be to big of a jump?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Bro juicing at 18 is not a good idea, especially at 5'4" you know that juice can potentially stop you from growing ?

  6. #6
    Yes of course, but i think im about done growing, considering my dad is 5'6 my bro is 5'5 and my grandpa 5'5

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    OK well nothing we can say will stop you from making up yout own mind but 18 is still too young. Anyway doing Sust on its own is not a big jump as you put it.

  8. #8
    Alright so you think sust alone will be fine then and i wouldnt need to stack it with a deca or anthing?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    no it will be fine on its own, Save the stacking for later.... when you are 25 OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    =] ha ok, thanks for the info

  11. #11
    oh one more thing, should i just do 1cc a week

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    so its 200mg ? If so then do 2cc a week. Sust is best shot EOD to get the Benefit of the Prop, if you arnt prepared to do that then use Test E or Test C then you only need to shoot twice a week

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    you know closing growth plates is not the only side affect of young steroid use. I suggest you don't cycle until your hormones are balanced which will be a few years. Trust us, don't do it!!

  14. #14
    will you fill me in on what EOD is

  15. #15
    eod= every other day

  16. #16
    At age 18 your natural hormon levels could get ****ed up badly by doing roids. I seriously suggest waiting five years before touching roids.

    Also, you say that`ve you`ve been working out for a year and a half and you did a cycle 9-10 months ago. This means that you started juicing after only 8-9 months of working out!!! What the hell is that good for!?
    You should work out naturally for at leat four or five years to reach your natural potential before juicning. You don`t want your receptor sites burned out because of some gains that you could have gotten naturally.

    What you do know is that you pack that bottle up in bubblewrap and mail it to me, cus I`m old enough to use it, you`re not

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