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Thread: Do you guys use any natural supplements in your pct??

  1. #1

    Question Do you guys use any natural supplements in your pct??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    milk thistle, cran concent, multivitamin, tribulus, bcaa's, creatine, acetyl-l-carnitine, these can all be helpful in any variation depending on what you did. if you did lots orals then the milk thistle and cran concen. is a must. if you did androgens without test as a base you want tribulus and bcaa's and a multivitamin because youre crashed and the trib boosts natural test levels.

    bcaa's keep you flooded with aminos to keep the gains and the creatine can ease you off the bloat without fully deflating, carnitine and b6 and 12 help with metablolism and energy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    hope that helps

  4. #4
    what kind of natural supplements should you use in a pct from a test and dbol cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    how much test and how much dbol, you have to make sure that your test is higher than your dbol.

    milk thistle and cran concen are a must along with a gallon of water a day anytime you do orals.

    also a multivitamin and tribulus terrestris

    all of these should be taken throughout the cycle except the trib.

    milk thistle 6 per day, take 2 three times a day
    same with cran concentrate
    trib 2 once a day

    also some fish oil and omega 3's to help with cholesterol, anytime you use test you are creating progestin which is an enzyme that promotes the unhealthy kinds of cholesterol

  6. #6
    haha of course im taking more test than dbol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    good so youll be fine, take the other stuff i said and youll be good

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    For pct I think tribulus is my best friend, keeps my balls full and my libido up

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    [QUOTE=caban) if you did androgens without test as a base you want tribulus and bcaa's and a multivitamin because youre crashed and the trib boosts natural test levels.

    You will be yust as crashed if you use test as a base. Testosterone will shut down HPTA to zero, yust like tren and deca.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    so are you saying im incorrect? im not gettin it? asking from a knowledge standpoint not challenging

  11. #11
    what about zma and tribulas with clomid and nolva??

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Someplace Civilized

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Tongkat Ali

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by freak_of_nature_86
    what about zma and tribulas with clomid and nolva??
    Tongkat ali is superior to tribulus.

    Check out this post by Ntpadude (a fellow member):

    I take redkat myself and just 2 pills a day... after a couple weeks if you are still ON cycle, you will notice a nice return in size to your shrunken nuts. In PCT this stuff is really good, I am in PCT after 9 months of deca use at 600 mg a week and I have had the easiest PCT ever!!! Even easier then an 8 week testosterone only cycle without tongkat. There was virtually no decline in sex drive, actually it increased steadily when I missed the shot on week #1 and 3 weeks after my last test e shot I was experiencing the best sex drive I've had in a year. Grant it I started by redkat/tongkat ali about 4 months ago and stayed on steady. Now that PCT is over (no more clomid, etc) I am still going very strong, the most incredible wife gagging cum loads of my life and not only a vigorous sex drive, but the enjoyability factor while having sex is better then any "on testosterone" cycle I ever been on.

    Yes while you can actually see improvements in "deca dick" in just 1 week, it really takes 1 month for your body to fully respond. I was deca dicked really bad in my 4th month on deca/test and the testosterone I took with the deca wasnt helping, balls ached and shrunk very badly. I started tongkat as last ditch effort to prevent stopping the cycle and the aches ended within 2 days of starting, balls started growing back noticably well by end of first week and sex drive and ability to maintain hard-on improved in a big way, even though I continued my deca doses for another 4 months! I have done tribulus before, tribulus doesnt seem to do anything like tongkat, but tongkat is basically your herbal HCG taken by mouth, it can and does easily overpower deca dick and ball shrinkage while on cycle. Also makes your steroids more effective by keeping down your SHBG's which deactivate testosterone and near testosterone compounds.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    use zma its totally legit and the backbone of my natural supp pct, i still think trib is just as good if not better than tongkat from my personal experiences

  16. #16

    Tribulus and Tongkat Ali/Redkat???

    I was reading some chats about natural supplements for PCT and or during cycle to help with sex drive.
    Some ppl refer to Tribulus and Tongkat Ali/Redkat as helpful natural alternatives.
    I have never heard on either of these supplements. If anyone can tell me a little about each and where I could get it if i decided (GNC, Herbal Store, etc...)
    Greatly appreciate it!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    Quote Originally Posted by Joey_P_D
    I was reading some chats about natural supplements for PCT and or during cycle to help with sex drive.
    Some ppl refer to Tribulus and Tongkat Ali/Redkat as helpful natural alternatives.
    I have never heard on either of these supplements. If anyone can tell me a little about each and where I could get it if i decided (GNC, Herbal Store, etc...)
    Greatly appreciate it!!!
    go to the supplement forum god

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Joey_P_D
    I was reading some chats about natural supplements for PCT and or during cycle to help with sex drive.
    Some ppl refer to Tribulus and Tongkat Ali/Redkat as helpful natural alternatives.
    I have never heard on either of these supplements. If anyone can tell me a little about each and where I could get it if i decided (GNC, Herbal Store, etc...)
    Greatly appreciate it!!!
    Ntpadude also had this to say about tongkat ali:

    Tongkat ali has been proven to boost your total testosterone levels to about double if you stay on it long enough, but it also lowers your SHBG's so you get about a 440% increase in "free testosterone".

    Its also been shown to work something like HCG, in that tongkat can actually cause you to begin producing natural testosterone and continue to lower your SHBG's even if you are taking tongkat while "on" a cycle which involves deca durabolin or trenbalone. In otherwords these 2 drugs are the most powerful things to shut down your natural testosterone production, and yet tongkat can overpower this shutdown effect and get you producing again. Also makes your steroids you are taking more effective because lowering SHBG's reduces the "tollerance" effect that SHBG's do to your steroid tollerances. As we know, SHBG's bind to ALL anabolic steroids, not just testosterone, and it partially disables deca, tren, test, winstrol, etc... so tongkat ali is a cycler's best friend actually.

  19. #19
    Bryan2 (supplement guru) on the active life of tongkat ali:

    completley out of the body within 8 hours

  20. #20
    I get Redkat (tongkat) for $20 a bottle (72 capsules).

    t - nation . com

  21. #21

    when do i run it during cylcle?

    should tongkat be ran during cycle and after?
    when and how long?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Joey_P_D
    should tongkat be ran during cycle and after?
    when and how long?
    If you are looking to minimize testicular atrophy, during a cycle, run with it during the cycle.
    I, personally, used it for PCT to help with libido and increase testicular size. I took Redkat by Biotest and it worked very well.

  23. #23
    Here's what Ntpadude had to say on trib:

    The thing with tribulus is the scientific studies have shown it works something like the way echinachia does when boosting your immunity to fight a cold. You get a temporary boost that peaks out in 10 days, after that the boost drops back to baseline.

    There is also evidence that tribulus also substantially boosts production of aromatase emzyme which results in increased estrogen production. The reason for the 10 day boost then drop back in testosterone production is probably the estrogen it generates begins to inhibit testosterone production. It seems to me, taking tribulus during a cycle without an aromatase inhibitor could be disasterous or dangerous for those prone to gyno. For that matter I used to take tribex during cycles and had itchy sensative nipples which kept me taking nolvadex. Since I dropped the tribulus, I noticed I can do cycles and not need to take any anti-e's at all. In otherwords, in my opinion, the tribulus had no effect on ball regrowth and it actually made me take a lot of nolva that I otherwise did not need to take, etc.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i used tribulis plus and creatine along side my clomid and l-dex during pct, didnt have a problem with sex drive, my balls came back to normal pretty quickly so i was impressed with how it all worked.
    after reading a few of these replys i think i might try tongkat as i am doing dbol/test/deca cycle very soon.

  25. #25
    Bryan2 (supplement guru) on tribulus's active life:

    Most likely around 8 hours as well but the exact number im not aware of

  26. #26
    More on tribulus:

    Products like Vitrx contain 20% protodioscin and 80% saponins content. Look for these ingredients, with protodioscin being the key ingredient for increasing libido.
    Last edited by Papi93; 01-31-2006 at 02:20 PM.

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