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Thread: motherPOOP that hurts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    motherPOOP that hurts

    ok im on my 2nd cycle of dbol test e and deca. as for gains and state of mind and strength. I LOVE THIS CYCLE!!! i mena i feel great all the time, my strength is throught the roof and everything is great. however whenever i have my shot that consists of test and deca, i shoot 2 ml and it hurts like a mother! i mean it hurts for like 5 days after too and i fell the oil in a ball inmy ass and it takes forever to dissipate. i even rub the area before injecting and then afterwards i take a shower and massge the area again with hot water... any suggestions on how to stop this or is it just part of it? thanx in advance bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Dont quote me on this but from what I have read from the vets on here, it seems to help if you do half in one glute, then half in the other. Thats alot to be putting on one spot, thats why you are geting the knot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    the reason im doing that though is so my body isnt a pin cushion though, that would defeat the purpose........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No longer active
    depending on what you are shooting. The oil does not have to be the problem. You can take 3ml in your glute without much issues.

    It's the stuff that's in teh oil, test, prop, etc that makes you hurt.
    What are you shooting? test400 is having it's fame for hurting a lot.

    Also, how deep do you inject?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    I've been pumping in 2.5ccs, 2X/week with no probs. 1.5 test e, 1 EQ.... Yeah, it could be the purity of the AAS or how your body reacts to it. Some people take a few weeks or so to adjust before the body starts accepting the foreign shit you're putting into your trunk.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    what size pin you using? I use 25gage which makes me inject very slow. used to use 22 and go fast and it hurt like a sonofa

  7. #7
    Test E and decca normally aren't that painful. Maybe you need to inject a little bit slower. I wouldn't be worried about 2 cc's in one shot. I do 3 all the time and it has never been an issue. If you are using a big pin, you could be shooting a bit too fast and not really realize it.

    Or maybe your body just has a tendancy to be a little more sensitive to one or both of those compounds.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    what size pin you using? I use 25gage which makes me inject very slow. used to use 22 and go fast and it hurt like a sonofa
    23 gauge, 3cc, 1.5", the blue ones.... 22s are the black ones...

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