What's up guys...I had a question... I know that cycling any of the testosterone esters, cyp, enanthate, prop, will all increase your testosterone levels, free and total testosterone levels. However, I also know that like dianabol increases your test levels (5 fold after onlya 10mg dose). Prohormones increases testosterone levels for a short time after...thats why you would take them right before the gym for maximum agression, optimal recovery, etc... What other steroids are like this, in the fact that they have a positive increase on testosterone levels. I know that all steroids are molecularly structed like "testosterone" but I know not all of them directly increase the amount of testosterone. The only reason I am asking is because it would make sense that using a steroid that increases testosterone dramatically consdering it is our number one muscle buildign hormone would lead to the largest increase in muscle mass. More testosterone = more muscle. Any responses will be appreciated.