well a while ago a had a thread about my first cycle which im going to be starting very soon, which would of been 500mg test x 10 weeks with dbol for first 4 weeks (plus nolva/clomid etc)
HOWEVER!! now that ive gone to order it from my supplier, a good friend of a good friend of mine (i spoke to him on the phone) he is telling me to do 250mg test for 10 weeks along with winny-v and not dbol because he says i will lose all my gains from dbol, i personally think that my originol cycle is good and i am confident in it, however i know this guy is quite quite experienced with the stuff and is definitely in tip top shape, what do you guys think of all this, i have obviousely thought of the possibility of it being in his financial interest but why would he want to sell me less? (note he stated that the extra 250mg test would only increase my results by a max of 10%) please share your thoughts.