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Thread: People who started 21 and younger?? are you happy

  1. #1
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    People who started 21 and younger?? are you happy

    I generally here the best time to start is around 24 or 25...... but what evidence is there to support this(besides slightly higher test levels younger)....i am almsost 21 and thinking of doing a light 10wk/350mg test e cycle.... everyone says wait, too young and you can grow more naturally.... well isnt the fact we ALL could grow SOME more naturally.... i also here "well your test levels are higher at that age", but comeon not THAT much higher... i mean not signifigant enough to look like a BB'er... so i guess i wanna bring up the discusion again... what is the problem with someone 20-21 doing a light cycle, who is educated on the subject and mature enough(lives healthy life style etc)...... Just wanted to get your thoughts and drum up some conversation

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    St. Paul, MN
    i'm 19....screwing my self over to those standards...oh well

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    im 20 myself, and have already done afew cycles. the most obvious reasons as to waiting is how roids affect your bones and growth plates. also your hormone levels and production will not reach their natural potential id assume.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2005
    yeah, im 19, and i think it's a very over-estimated risk factor, but people are just doing their job to keep "kids" from doing drugs. but im still young and i have got alot of a good gains recently 'naturally' still. so untill i feel i really really need AAS im gonna stay away

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    good call id say tho mate, its best to keep off aslong as u can

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    im 20 myself, and have already done afew cycles. the most obvious reasons as to waiting is how roids affect your bones and growth plates. also your hormone levels and production will not reach their natural potential id assume.
    well at almost 21 ive been 6'3 since i was 16 and havent grown in 5 years so thats no prob....i would think at 20 21 most everyone is done growing and any possible growth would be VERY marginal

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    yeah, im 19, and i think it's a very over-estimated risk factor, but people are just doing their job to keep "kids" from doing drugs. but im still young and i have got alot of a good gains recently 'naturally' still. so untill i feel i really really need AAS im gonna stay away
    right sometimes i think people just automatically asume to tell people to stay off.... but i would think the risk factors you take at 21 and 30 would all but about be the same...but maybe im wrong...

  8. #8
    i am 19 yrs old have cycled 5 times started at age 17 here in malta even at a smaller age the 17 they start cycling!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Im 21 and im in week 3 of almost the exact same cycle. Im doing Test E 400mg/wk for 12 weeks.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    i am 19 yrs old have cycled 5 times started at age 17 here in malta even at a smaller age the 17 they start cycling!!!!
    ya 17 i agree is young.... .. i guess i was t****g about guys in there early 20s, 20-22

  11. #11
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    How about hearin from some vets.... id like to hear the open minded opinions of the guys whove been through it and seen it

  12. #12
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    Land of milk and honey.
    1) I grew about 1.5 inches between 18 and 21 years old.

    2) Look at arnold of Malta's post - 5 cycles at 19. The gains in the gym are addictive. It is hard to stop once you start. Everyone says this will be their last one, until next year they are not happy with losing size or stregth and they do another.

    The health problems are real after years of cycling. I am going to start a 5th cycle at 35.5 years old. Arnold of Malta is 19 and already ahead of me. I personally can't see continuing after 40 but who knows. I started when I was 32 and have done a little more than 1 per year. Another thing that keeps you upping the number of cycles is if you play it smart and only add one compound at a time, you have to accumulate a number of cycles/experiments on yourself to know what really works.

    Just some words of caution. People always say, welcome to the dark side. In some ways there is no return. I started lifting at age 15 and it's gonna be life long for me and the results of gear are something that is almost irresitable especially as your natural test starts to slow down, you get more benefits then just the physical.
    Last edited by sp9; 01-31-2006 at 07:23 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Im not saying u should do steroids if your younger than 20 but what most people dont get is that some people take steroids becuz they are athletes and they do not care at all about bodybuilding, and unless your one of a special few you arent going to be playing organized sports your whole life so i think a big reason a lot of younger people want to use is because they are athletes and they want to use while they still have a chance of going somewhere in their sport. thats just my .02 on it

  14. #14
    I ran my 1st dbol cycle at 15

  15. #15
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    Good response bro...... so i guess its one of those things.... theres no real extra sides at 21.... but it Could be like smoking? in the sense if you start younger you can see possible side effects earlier in your life? Like if i start at 21 as oppose to 30 i could see possible liver effects 9 years earlier than i would

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    What are your goals? At 20 years old you could definently use clen for an edge.

  17. #17
    I use to be the king of the matt back in high school best years of my life man I use to hurt kids on the mat.... its cool I still chill at my old high school......go to the football game cuz i have many high school friends......the girls stare at me alot....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Good response bro...... so i guess its one of those things.... theres no real extra sides at 21.... but it Could be like smoking? in the sense if you start younger you can see possible side effects earlier in your life? Like if i start at 21 as oppose to 30 i could see possible liver effects 9 years earlier than i would
    As long as you get bloodwork done and go easy on the orals you can keep your liver very healthy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    I ran my 1st dbol cycle at 15
    Damn bro. How long was it?

  20. #20
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Good response bro...... so i guess its one of those things.... theres no real extra sides at 21.... but it Could be like smoking? in the sense if you start younger you can see possible side effects earlier in your life? Like if i start at 21 as oppose to 30 i could see possible liver effects 9 years earlier than i would
    Yes, cummulative damage and stress put on organs, ligaments, joints, discs, etc.

    Everything in moderation.

    There is nothing to discourage me from doing another. I have access, I have the $, I live alone, no children to worry about, no wife that might get to the mailbox before me, retirement accounts are full.

    I just gotta make sure I do it in moderation and try to mitigate any health problems.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    What are your goals? At 20 years old you could definently use clen for an edge.
    My goal is to look like arnold..... lol i love the bber look... to get big and strong basically.... massis my goal.... im at 8 meals aday and have gained signifgant bf.... i deadlift and squat pretty hard.... just looking for a extra edge bro..... i dont wanna do anything crazy.... i basically wanna start light moderate cycle... 350mgs of test e for 10 weeks for a first one.... mayb 400 and add dbol for the second one down the line....

  22. #22
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    Nov 2005
    im 20 ... ive done 2 cycles ive got nice gains from it ..but im ganna do it naturaly till maybe the end of this year .. cuz i dont feel like i really neeed it.. its just nicce to havea boost .. give it a try .. and if yur ganna run test u might as well run 500 mg+ .. my first cycle of test was 700 mg of test e a week

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Virgina
    Not to hijack the thread, but what is "having blood work done" exactly mean?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    I use to be the king of the matt back in high school best years of my life man I use to hurt kids on the mat.... its cool I still chill at my old high school......go to the football game cuz i have many high school friends......the girls stare at me alot....

    Bwaaaaahhahahahhahaha!!! Are you for real?

  25. #25
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    well actually im getting checked out from the doc first b4 i start..... gettin my test levels checked just for reference and just getting a pysical so theres no surprises

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    I use to be the king of the matt back in high school best years of my life man I use to hurt kids on the mat.... its cool I still chill at my old high school......go to the football game cuz i have many high school friends......the girls stare at me alot....

  27. #27
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Not to hijack the thread, but what is "having blood work done" exactly mean?
    Checking your cholestrol, testosteron, kidney, liver function, and much more. Go look at and there is a standard male panel of tests that you can see descriptions for.

  28. #28
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    im 20 ... ive done 2 cycles ive got nice gains from it ..but im ganna do it naturaly till maybe the end of this year .. cuz i dont feel like i really neeed it.. its just nicce to havea boost .. give it a try .. and if yur ganna run test u might as well run 500 mg+ .. my first cycle of test was 700 mg of test e a week
    I think going 300-400mg for a first cycle is a good amount. I've read some pretty interesting threads on lower doses and it made me go from 500mg down to about 350mg. You can always up the dose and by just jumping into 500mg+, you really won't understand how your body reacts, so I say start off around 300-400mg and see what that does for you then on you can up the dose on your second cycle.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    I think going 300-400mg for a first cycle is a good amount. I've read some pretty interesting threads on lower doses and it made me go from 500mg down to about 350mg. You can always up the dose and by just jumping into 500mg+, you really won't understand how your body reacts, so I say start off around 300-400mg and see what that does for you then on you can up the dose on your second cycle.
    Thats some good advice there bro.....everyone always says start at 500 for your first cycle.....but IMO at 350 im still going to see good gains.... and at 21 im in no rush

  30. #30
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Mine was 400mg, just because the test c I used was 200mg per ml. If it had been 250mg per ml I porb would have done 500. I think it is a good idea to start out low.

  31. #31
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    Dec 2004
    Another thing is make sure you have a good base to start off with. I know guys at the gym who started juicing when they could barely bench 200lbs and squat 250 if there life depended on it. If your healthy and are done growing id say sure start at 20 but get blood work before mid and after pct.

  32. #32
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    Oct 2003
    i started at like 19 i dont have any regrets.. all my levels are normal. currently in my third cycle and thnking it may be my last bulker for a few years. going to switch my sights to more cutting over getting big from now on.

  33. #33
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    i dont regret any of it

  34. #34
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    dude I started at 19, I'm def upset I did. I have been growing naturally since then I am glad I did now as my 22nd birthday comes around Im thinking about it again whether or not I will ehhhh.

    btw it was a half assed- 10week test/eq/winny no PCT.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    dude I started at 19, I'm def upset I did. I have been growing naturally since then I am glad I did now as my 22nd birthday comes around Im thinking about it again whether or not I will ehhhh.

    btw it was a half assed- 10week test/eq/winny no PCT.
    besides that fact that u had no pct why are u disappointed?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    1) I grew about 1.5 inches between 18 and 21 years old.

    2) Look at arnold of Malta's post - 5 cycles at 19. The gains in the gym are addictive. It is hard to stop once you start. Everyone says this will be their last one, until next year they are not happy with losing size or stregth and they do another.

    The health problems are real after years of cycling. I am going to start a 5th cycle at 35.5 years old. Arnold of Malta is 19 and already ahead of me. I personally can't see continuing after 40 but who knows. I started when I was 32 and have done a little more than 1 per year. Another thing that keeps you upping the number of cycles is if you play it smart and only add one compound at a time, you have to accumulate a number of cycles/experiments on yourself to know what really works.

    Just some words of caution. People always say, welcome to the dark side. In some ways there is no return. I started lifting at age 15 and it's gonna be life long for me and the results of gear are something that is almost irresitable especially as your natural test starts to slow down, you get more benefits then just the physical.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i started at 17- i'm 19 now and i regret it, i know now that i should have waited

  38. #38
    Im 19 now wish i would of waited.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    well i'm about to start my second cycle. i did my first cycle at 19, and it was shitty, I didn't really do things right till halfway through but managed to gain 20lbs nonetheless off of 250deca and 300 of sust. My problem is I have very low testosterone naturally, and actually when I saw an endo, he got me a prescription for cialis. Don't make fun, it sucks, and I bust my ass in the gym and eat right, and rest well, I just don't make the sort of gains I should be gaining. Put it this way, I went from benching 225 once to benching 265 for 6 on my first cycle. Since then I have only got up to 315x2 on bench. Squats and DL's have been slowly increasing, but that's mostly from lack of training before, so I'm catching up. I've pretty much peaked naturally at 200-205 @ 11-12% BF at 5'9". My growth plates are all closed up from a motocross related obviously I haven't grown in quite sometime. I'm 20 now, almost 21, and this cycle is gonna push me to the limit. Looking to hit 230 or so with 4weeks of dbol, 10weeks of 400deca, 12 weeks of 500 or 600 test enth. I don't regret it, I just wish I knew then what I knew now...because I could be so much further.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOak*
    Im 19 now wish i would of waited.
    Just out of curiousity why do you wish you woulda waited.... you look awsome if thats you in the avi

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