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Thread: So, kick off a Test E cycle with Dbol or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Somewhere South

    So, kick off a Test E cycle with Dbol or not?

    I have done alot of reading on this and other sites and read hundreds of posts and replies. Some people swear that Dbol didnt do anything but put water on them and some people swear they would never do a Test cycle without it. I am planning on running a 12 wk Test E cycle (250x2/wk) and was thinking about bringing in the Test E with Dbol at 25-35 for the first 4 wks. I only want to run one cycle only to bulk (as much as possible in those twelve weeks) and I wont have any problem losing any fat which I gain. I already eat like a horse everyday. I also have to run about 15 miles a week for my job, so will Dbol water retention be affected by this or does this matter at all? What gives?

    Just in case here are my stats:



    185 lbs.

    9% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Hmm - I usually avoid all running while on dbol. Have not tried to run on it, so I am not sure what you might be in for.

    I would not run a test cycle without a kickstart and I like dbol for that. I did do a first cycle without and then one with and I would not go back. It's not just weight that people like. Strength sky rockets and when you come off, the test has kicked in and you see no reversal of the strength you had while taking dbol. I just feel in puts me ahead of the game. It is also mental. I feel great while on it, and the gains in strength are very motivational.

    A good beginner dose at your weight would be 30mg for 4 weeks duration. If you get any sides you don't like it comes out of your system fast when you stop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Somewhere South
    Thanx Sentinel. Anyone else?

  4. #4
    I don't know about the running part, but I would start w/ the dbol. I have found it to kind of kick-start my cycles.....immediate results, even though they aren't permanent, I try to grow into them before the 4-6 weeks is done, then I throw in something else (tren this cycle) for another 6 weeks. I will bump so you can figure your running thing out, but I can say the arimidex has def. kept alot of water off me.
    Good Luck.


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