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Thread: test e/ deca weight gain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    test e/ deca weight gain

    I started 500mg/week test e and 300mg/week deca 10 week cycle

    When does everyone think the majority of weight gain will take place? Last cycle, I gained a lot starting week 1, and it continued for 10 weeks strong. This cycle, I had week 1 good gains, then NOTHING week 2-3??? is that odd or should I just calm down and stop worrying?

    180lb. 6'3'' assuming proper diet and calorie intake

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'm on my second cycle of test e, deca, and eq. Same compounds I did my first cycle, I'm on week 8 and really didn't start to feel it kick in until about 2 weeks ago, now my strength gains are progressing a lot faster. Where as my first cycle I felt it kick in a lot faster more like week 2-3. I think you should be fine and just focus on diet. It will come.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    what were the doses last cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    i would say week 5-6 and the deca should kick in for awhile im 8 weeks out of my cycle and i still feel pumps i dont know if its from the deca or test but i still feel great pumps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    the AS doesnt even start to really hit your body till week 4

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    1st cycle, was 400 test e / 300 deca

    so only change to this new cycle is 100 mg more test e per week! (and I might continue test e for 2 extra weeks, so 10 weeks deca but 12 weeks test e

    So everyone seems to say week 4-6 is when results start to show up... what would you guess typical weight gains are like?

  7. #7
    6'3 180 is skinny, you should really check your diet because juice won't hold weight on you, you gotta come off some time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yeah, I gained 28 pounds 1st cycle. I kept 22 pounds of it for 6 months (before I got damn sick overseas in thailand for 2 weeks) in the 1 full week were I could barely eat, I lost 8 pounds.

    anyways, my diet has been checked time and time again. I was surprised I was able to keep on so much of the weight without ever dropping. I'm not expecting 28 pounds 2nd time around, but it would be nice

  9. #9
    you first cycled when you were 160lbs at 6-3? wow you're crazy, you need to learn how to bulk diet because if you were so skinny normally I don't see how juice would help you if you cna't eat right beforehand.

    Realisticly: you've desentized your bodies receptors and most likely moved your Juicing weight potential to 220lbs at 8%bodyfat as your current plateu from if you would have waited until you were 220lbs at 13%bodyfat and juiced then you prolly could made it to 250lbs at 8%.

    I'm just 1 inch taller but I started when i was 235lbs at 13%bodyfat. 2.5 cycles later (1 year) I am 238lbs at 8%bodyfat (15lbs of fat lost, 18lbs of muscle gained). I'm hoping to be 250lbs at 6%bodyfat in another year.

    if I had started juicing when I was at my lightest 200lbs 6%bodyfat I woudln't prolly reach 250lbs at 6% until after like 5years, since i waited and gained to near my natural limit relativly, It'lltake me 2 years!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Monday will be the start of my 11th week on Test E 500mg 1-14weeks and Deca 1-12 weeks @300mg. i've gained 15lbs and just starting last week did i notice any dramasitic strength changes and i can finally notice changes in my shoulders and chest. my stats now are 6ft 215lbs and around the same bf%

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    and when did you first start to notice results?

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