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Thread: 3rd Cycle. Lean Shredded Mass!!

  1. #1

    3rd Cycle. Lean Shredded Mass!!

    Hey bros, just about to do my 3rd cycle and just wanted some input. A little history first, 24 yrs 6' 215lbs 9% BF been working out for about 8 years, only started juicing about 8 months ago. I've had pretty good success with my first two cycles, gained some good weight. For this cycle I'm trying to gain a little more weight (maybe 10lbs), but I also want to get more cut. I'm already quite lean, but I've really been bulking the last few years (low reps heavy weights) and as a result I'm not as defined as I used to be. So here's the cycle, let me know what you think. I've never done a cutter before, so your thoughts are needed! Thanks guys.

    1-5 prop 100mg EOD
    1-10 Test En 600mg/wk
    4-10 Tren Ace 100mg EOD
    4-10 master 100mg EOD
    6-10 var 50mg ED

    I've never used tren or masteron before. should I use them for longer than 6 weeks? I know tren can get toxic so ppl tend to use it for shorter time, but mast isn't toxic so should I bump it to 8 or 10 weeks?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    first thing make the test 1 week longer & for first time on tren 100mg is way too much start with 50mg & if there is no problem with the sides pump it to 75mg & no more for just 6 wks but sorry i dont know about the masteron maybe the bros here will help you so here is the cycle without the masteron:

    1-5 prop 100mg EOD
    1-11 Test En 600mg/wk
    4-10 Tren Ace 100mg EOD
    6-10 var 50mg ED

    1-11 10mg nolva <-- to keep the water retention down from test E & gyno

    good luck

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  3. #3
    okay thanks umm [][][]][]. So I'll change the tren to 50mg eod and run the test e one week longer. The cycle will look like this now.

    1-5 prop 100mg EOD
    1-11 Test En 600mg/wk
    4-10 Tren Ace 50-75mg EOD
    4-10 master 100mg EOD
    6-10 var 50mg ED

    Anyone else here got any opinions????????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Yeah, if you can get more prop I'd replace the test e with it. Youre gonna be doing eod injections anyway and prop yields more keepable gains than test e. Prop and tren are mean combo bro. Also, I'd consider everyday injection as opposed to eod.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i've never used either prop or tren but people here says to run it ED to keep side effects down

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    let us know how you like the prop bro....

  7. #7
    so it seems like everyone thinks running prop and tren ED is better than EOD. Guess I'll switch to that. I had it at EOD just for convenience, I mean I'm not scared of injections or anything, just find it a little annoying shooting ED. But if it means less sides maybe its worth it. Also, I've never ran prop before, any ideas of best injection sites for prop. Depending on wether or not I get a lot of pain from the prop, I may drop the test E, but then again I've had very good results with test E, with no bloat atall. I've only ever shot glutes and quads. Will glutes, quads, and delts be enough? thanks guy, I appreciate the input.


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