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Thread: Clen Cycle...Input for a n00b please.

  1. #1

    Clen Cycle...Input for a n00b please.

    Hey bros,

    This site is amazing. Tons of great info, and I’m getting really into the idea of steeping into the world of “gear”. However, my workout regimine hasn’t been great for the past like 5 months for various reasons. Anyways, before I jump into getting into gear, I first need to:

    1. Work out each day (Will be starting next Monday at 5 am)
    2. Eat healthier (I’ve got some food plans set up for when I’m bulking/cutting)
    3. Lose weight/fat before I even begin to hit it with gear.

    So, since I need to lose weight, I’m figuring on starting with a high cardio routine with weights in there as well, and am planning on getting my hands on some Clen. The thing I’m curious about is whether or not it has major sides that people have had, do I need to use a clomid treatment at the end, and also if the following eating routine will get the results I want.

    My stats are as follows:

    Height: 6’0
    Weight: 215
    Body Fat %: Unknown

    I want to drop 20 pounds before I start my first stack, which will also include clen and probably be a cutting cycle to get more lean before I start to pack on the weight. Anyways, here’s what I had in mind for an eating routine:

    Meal 1(After morning work out)
    3 Eggs with veggies
    Protein Shake

    Meal 2
    Protein Bar

    Meal 3
    Tuna Sandwhich
    Protein Shake

    Meal 4
    Mixed Veggies

    Meal 5 (After Night Workout)
    Grilled Chicken Breast or Steack
    Steamed Vegtables
    Brown Rice
    Protein Shake

    I’d be following that strict diet plan, baring any negative feedback, working out twice a day, once in the morning with cardio and weights, and once at night with cardio and abs. I would be following this type of a cycle for clen:

    Day 1: 20 mcg
    Day 2: 40 mcg
    Day 3: 60 mcg
    Day 4: 80 mcg
    Day 5: 80 mcg
    Day 6-12: 100 mcg
    Day 13: 80 mcg
    Day 14: 40 mcg

    Off for two weeks, and than on again.

    Let me know what you guys think, and thanks in advance!

    ps Is that going to be enough potassium for clen?

  2. #2
    Anyone? i want to do this right to lose this weight so i can begin to bulk, but I need some input.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Clen is not an Anabolic Steroid so there is no need for Clomid. The doses look OK, just monitor the shaking you get and dont increase the dose unless that starts to reduce.

    What do you mean by "enough Ptassium" ?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Clen is not an Anabolic Steroid so there is no need for Clomid. The doses look OK, just monitor the shaking you get and dont increase the dose unless that starts to reduce.

    What do you mean by "enough Ptassium" ?

    I had read in one of the threads about clen causing someone to go to the ER because he didn't have any potasium.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jarth3000
    I had read in one of the threads about clen causing someone to go to the ER because he didn't have any potasium.
    First time I have heard of that

  6. #6
    Is my diet good enough? Things I should add...take out?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Drugs will aid you with reducing bodyfat, but the key lies on having a clean diet and doing cardio at the right time. Have a clean diet, high in clean calories and do cardio in the AM on an empty stomach. This will help cut that unwanted fat.

    Clen and other drugs/stacks will also help, but, as I've already said, without the correct diet/cardio dont bother at all.

    I recently was given a protocol (Jay), which I will try oneday. It was to start at 20mcgs/ED, 2 days on, 1 day off, adjust the dosage to what is best suited and run for 6 weeks. I'm 7% and not competting so I dont need to cut any bodyfat at all. I may add this protocol to my PCT though for better benifits.

  8. #8
    6" at 215 thats a good weight. just do cardio with strict diet and strict training. if you want to use clen IMHO use it for more then 2 weeks i use it for 8 taking benadryl peridoically throughout. everyone is different when it comes to clen theres guys on here that dont ge shakes and are taking upwards of 180mcg i take 40mcg for the 1st 3-4 days till my body adjusts and stops shaking then work my way up to about 120-140mcg. also i personally dont know how people do cardio while on clen just sitting makes my heart feel like its going to explode. id do the cardio in the morning then after use clen.

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