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Thread: what is the best sterroid for a non breakout experiance?

  1. #1

    what is the best sterroid for a non breakout experiance?

    I have tried a test/ deca cycle and had a bad reaction to it.. I broke out all over my back and neck... I loved the gains, but i cannot deal with the acne again!!!!
    What would be the best roid for a non breakout experiance? I am looking for a cutting cyle...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by poppa pimple
    I have tried a test/ deca cycle and had a bad reaction to it.. I broke out all over my back and neck... I loved the gains, but i cannot deal with the acne again!!!!
    What would be the best roid for a non breakout experiance? I am looking for a cutting cyle...
    An AS that is not too androgenic. Stay away from Tren, Anadrol and the more harsh androgens. They often cause acne. Unstable blood levels and eleavted estrogen, amongst other things casue acne to arise.

  3. #3
    what about an anavar cycle only?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by poppa pimple
    what about an anavar cycle only?

    i would try t-bol over var
    cheaper and will also keep your libido in check

  5. #5
    what is t-bol? i have heard of dbol and anabol, but i dont know what tbol is? sorry for the ignorance but i am new at this

  6. #6
    turanibol u can read about it in one of the Q/A forums in another section of the site

    thats what im taking now....oral tbol still causes mild breakouts for me @ 50mg once a day, u should just lift for now and ride it out until you stop taking it b/c i dont think there is a whole lot you can do for acne probs

  7. #7
    thanks for the help yall-- it sounds like i am going to go back to being natural/ not to mention sore and stiff.....

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