What is this nonsense is this true??? I was just reading an article I found on www.bodybuilding.com by "Big Cat" under the "sample steroid stacks" part. Under his sample stack that looked like this:
Week Dianabol Winstrol/Stromba Anavar HCG & Nolva
1 30-40 mg/day
2 30-40 mg/day
3 30-40 mg/day 25-50 mg every day
4 30-40 mg/day 25-50 mg every day 5000 IU/week
5 30-40 mg/day 25-50 mg every day 5000 IU/week
6 30-40 mg/day 25-50 mg every day 30-40 mg/day 5000 IU/week
7 25-50 mg every day 30-40 mg/day 5000 IU/week
8 25-50 mg every day 30-40 mg/day
9 40 mg/day Nolva
10 20 mg/day Nolva
11 20 mg/day Nolva
"The problem of an oral only stack is that its limited in time. 6-8 weeks at best. Meaning multiple stacks are needed where less stacks would be needed with injectables. An oral only stack is hard to set up because you have no real base compounds either. This is one I sweated out after much thinking for all you wimps that can't take a needle. Because anavar and winny block the aromatisation off d-bol, there isn't much post-cycle estrogen so the use of clomid/Nolva afterwards is limited but still advised. It should be started immediately after the cycle is over."
Is this the truth??? that anavar blocks the armotisation of the dbols. So wouldn't that hurt your gains because I know alot of the dbols water weight helps kick start a cycle...but if you were using anavar or winstrol with it ...it would kind of take away the benefits of using the dbol in the first place??? Is this a true statment or not?