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Thread: Test E vs Test Cyp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Not tellin!

    Test E vs Test Cyp

    I've been doing a bit of reading for my up coming cycle (first), and these are the 2 types of test that are mentioned in most cases.

    I would like to do Test E for my first, but unfortunitly my source doesn't have any, and won't for awhile. He does have Test Cyp though. My question is what is the main difference between both these? Will one do somthing that the other won't?


  2. #2
    They are practicall identical, both in half life and ester weight, the enanthate is a l;ittle lighter giving just a few more miligrams of test, but as i said they are almost identical cyp will be fine.

  3. #3
    Although they seem to be very similar from My experience and many others I know you will either respond well to one or the other. Not sure why this is but I respond extremely well to enanthate and cyp does almost nothing for me. A good friend is exactly opposite, the enanthate I took was QV and the cyp was Upjohn so I know both were real, also I did two separate runs with cyp with very little results. I'd suggest taking the cyp and then at a later cycle try the enanthate, remember you won't receive the same gains from the 2nd cycle as you do your first so keep that in mind when choosing compounds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Not tellin!
    Ok thanks guys. I'll give the cyp a try and see how it works out. Does anyone else have a preference or input?

    thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Im on week 5 of cyp, and havent noticed anything yet, but its still early for me, so hopefully will start to see results soon...otherwise I will be switching to test E..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I like test e, a little shorter ester

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    ive ran test e twice and plan on running cyp on my next cycle hoping to react differently to it ... they say everyones different with reactions to both

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