Andriol 1-10 240-320mgs/day
Anavar 1-10 40mgs/day
Question, What would be the safest anti E to run to stop my gyno that I am prone to? Nolvadex? and only use if symptoms show right?
Andriol 1-10 240-320mgs/day
Anavar 1-10 40mgs/day
Question, What would be the safest anti E to run to stop my gyno that I am prone to? Nolvadex? and only use if symptoms show right?
All you need is Proviron at 50mgs ED.
A mate of mine just started a Similar cycle that I recommended for him,it`s a cutter.Looks like this:
Andriol 600mgs ED week 1-14
Var 50mgs ED week 1-14
EQ 600 week 1-14
goose , It's so hard coming up with a safe/effective cycle to fit your goals!!!
Went from primo/var to tbol/var now I'm thinking about changing it to andriol/var!
All the safe steroids with lean gains are so Expensive!
The best for you would be a Tbol only cycle,you don`t need any anti E`s,plus good results,and cheap.
tbol week 1-8 50mgs
Originally Posted by goose4
I know , I did a tbol only cycle.
50mgs/day for 5 weeks.
Strength gains good, size gains good. Nothing great but it helped.
I don't think tbol is as safe as many claim. Like how do you know it's not very liver toxic, any study's? Had nose bleeds and increased BP while on.
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