Ok, I know HGH is state dependant on wether or not it's a scheduled 3 class drug, falling into the same category as anabolics, but what are the legalities of the IGF-1?? Is it more or less a research chem like liquid nolva or clomid, that is, legal to purchase but illegal to consume? I know its pretty grey area. I have this fella at my gym who competes in NPC, he's a decent guy and I've trained with him several times before. I know he is associated with the law enforcement division for his job, I'm pretty sure he's a narcotics officer. But, I also know he uses steroids from time to time, I can easily tell and he's even admitted to running QV products to me b4. Other than that we dont talk about it much, until the other night. He asks me some info about IGF-1, says its for his freind. I told him that its not a scheduled 3 and its not illegal, he's also aware that I run humulan R, also not illegal and OTC. I had told him of a website that his freind could order from, and he starts asking how do I know its real? I just replied "It's real, I just know" and he's like"Well that doesnt help me, and starts chuckling" The other night he asked if it'd be ok if his freind could just call me up and talk to me about it and I told him no, I dont like talking to people I dont know. Anyways, he seems like a decent enough guy, and he's probably just trying to get some for himself and doesnt want us to know he's using b/ of his job, but I cant help but think if he's digging for info. And if he was, then why the hell IGF-1 and not gear??? So with this being said guys, what are the legality issues of IGF as opposed to GH?