Ok bros.
Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?
I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.
Here is the situation:
Girlfriend wants me to go to NYC with her for a few days and stay in the city, I tell her I can't afford it right now, I'm in the middle of making a large investment/business venture.
I go out to dinner with my guy friends every wednesday, there is a restaurant here that has a great fillet mignon special, can't beat it. So, costs about $15 bucks. (This has been the only activity I have really allowed myself for the past month and a half due to money constraints and to training requirements).
Past three weeks have gone by... and EVERY ****ING WEDNESDAY - there has been an "issue" of some sort involved with going to dinner. Whether it's I don't spend enough time with her... or I don't do this... or blah blah.
Her argument is "I'm not mad that you go out with your friends, I'm mad that you spend money every week and yet some how don't have money for us to go to NYC?"
So here is the deal - I told her that every wednesday I spend $15 bucks, she says I shouldn't tell her I don't have the cash to spend on a 3 day trip to NYC... and then spend "all this money" every wednesday.
My girlfriend has slowly developed some sort of insecurities about us, and it is becoming an obsessive problem of hers. She is starting to call me NON-STOP - I can't even get a full workout in without having a problem, and she continues to bug me about stupid shit such as going to dinner tonight.
I could ****ing go on forever.
Point blank - it won't last long if this shit continues.
Sorry I had to write this immature non-sense. I needed to vent somewhere.