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Thread: Deca+Dbol+Test...?Good Cycle, Need to know for my grandma she is ifbb pro(J/K)

  1. #1

    Deca+Dbol+Test...?Good Cycle, Need to know for my grandma she is ifbb pro(J/K)

    Help!! Need Info Advice,,
    I have 3 bottles of test enathate and 1 bottle deca, and thinking off using d-bol in the beggining ,Would this be synergistically proficient in other words are these a good combo togethter, How wiil i cycle these three substances.
    Im planning to stack D-bol and Deca for the first month and then continue the rest of my cycle with just test for the last 2 months.(Dont worry i got nolva)

    Will the test be counterproductive after the d-bol and deca stack ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yes all of them work very well in a cycle. the test is the base of the cycle. what is the dose on the compounds and the vial size in ml.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    stats 7 CYCLE HISTORY

  4. #4


    The test is 10cc its a 250mg of test bottle and deca the same but i only have 1 bottle , i need to know how to arrange 3 10cc bottles of test with one 10cc bottle of deca and 1 month supply of dbol for let say 12 weeks THANKS

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    is this ur 1st cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you need more deca. that will only be good for 250mg week for 10 weeks. your cycle will need min 300mg week for 10 weeks.

  7. #7
    this is my second cycle, and i dont want more deca because after my cycle my libido got shot and im thinking its the deca(dick) so on this cycle i wanna go more with test all the way and a little deca and a little dbol,, i know supposedly i need more deca but im good with the 4 to 5 weeks supply of 2cc a week of deca. I need to know should i do deca and dbol togerther then the test or vice versa do test until the end of my cycle and then do dbol and deca at the last month

  8. #8
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    deca should imo be ran for a min of 10-12 weeks!
    but like hosam has asked what are your stats?
    cycle history,dosages and length?
    training history?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    [QUOTE=Stefinoplex]this is my second cycle, and i dont want more deca because after my cycle my libido got shot and im thinking its the deca(dick) so on this cycle i wanna go more with test all the way and a little deca and a little dbol,, i know supposedly i need more deca but im good with the 4 to 5 weeks supply of 2cc a week of deca. I need to know should i do deca and dbol togerther then the test or vice versa do test until the end of my cycle and then do dbol and deca at the last month[/QUOT
    you will not see much in the way of gains running deca for 4-5 weeks only mate,waste of time and money!you should not get deca dik if you run a higher dose of test!

  10. #10
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    I'd run lower on Deca for 8 weeks and run the test 4 weeks longer. D-bol it for about 4-6 weeks.
    I think my grandma is your grandma's source!

  11. #11
    Alright my life consist of about 6 months i finished my first cycle and i had a buddy take care of me, with the shots and dosages so i wasnt to clear which i know is kinda stupid but i trusted him,.Later i found out he was pumping me with 1000 mgs 5ccs a week of test this lasted for about 8 weeks steady.Then for weeks 9-12 he gave me deca about 2cc a week and then whe tried to get nolva but in the long run i didnt end up taking no antiestrogen or pct..Now im looking to do this better this time around with all your help, and my stats were 5'4 frame started at like 135lbs after that cycle i hit about 165 ,, and life got in the way i messed up my car couldnt work out and now im starting again at like 145lbs. i know it sucks most of my gains went out the window but i couldnt help it with my situation.. thanks again guys

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Stefinoplex
    Alright my life consist of about 6 months i finished my first cycle and i had a buddy take care of me, with the shots and dosages so i wasnt to clear which i know is kinda stupid but i trusted him,.Later i found out he was pumping me with 1000 mgs 5ccs a week of test this lasted for about 8 weeks steady.Then for weeks 9-12 he gave me deca about 2cc a week and then whe tried to get nolva but in the long run i didnt end up taking no antiestrogen or pct..Now im looking to do this better this time around with all your help, and my stats were 5'4 frame started at like 135lbs after that cycle i hit about 165 ,, and life got in the way i messed up my car couldnt work out and now im starting again at like 145lbs. i know it sucks most of my gains went out the window but i couldnt help it with my situation.. thanks again guys

    personally then with what you have said i would get some gym time back under your belt and you should regain some of what you had lost,sort your diet out also which in turn will help your gains!get yourself focused on training again mate,then hit the juice!

  13. #13
    Thanks for your help ,but i already have deca and i dont know who to sell it to, so im stuck wit wat i have , the most feasible conclusion with wat i have is ,

    week 1-4 stack dbol and test
    week 5-8 stack deca and test
    week 9-12 test alone ..
    i dont dont mean to be hard headed but this is the only feasible ithing i could do with wat i have thanx for ur advice and if u can reply by telling me if this is ok or if i should change up a vouple thing ,, in the chart i made ,, THANX

  14. #14
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    total crap!!dont wanna listen why the fvck did you ask for advice!!4 weeks of deca is pointless!
    save it for another cycle if you aint gonna get anymore,you have been told if you run test higher you will not get libido point in juicing straight away if you have not seen a barbell in months!
    Last edited by Booz; 03-04-2006 at 05:16 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    go buy another bottle of deca and you will have a strong cycle!!! OR throw the deca out the window(meaning a drawer for next cycle) and run dbol test

  16. #16
    YOU know wat ur right im sorry ,ok
    im a do more deca,.
    week1-8 stack deca test
    week 9-12 test
    Does that look nicer and trust me im working out now im not stupid im not going to skip hard work wit just juice im a keep working out and when i get back to my peak and heavier i will jump back on it ,, i Apreciate it thanx booz and all others for opinions

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    total crap!!dont wanna listen why the fvck did you ask for advice!!4 weeks of deca is pointless!
    save it for another cycle if you aint gonna get anymore,you have been told if you run test higher you will not get libido point in juicing straight away if you have not seen a barbell in months!

    LOL this is the fisrt time i have seen booz flip out and loos his cool.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    LOL this is the fisrt time i have seen booz flip out and loos his cool.
    ummm yeah apoligies boys!

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    ummm yeah apoligies boys!
    To much test booz calm down,

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