Ok here it is I can't decide on tren E/test E cycle or prop only cycle..I keep hearing on how good tren is but I also hear all these horror stories of night sweats,insominia,agression and feeling like dying from tren cough! Now not being a pussy but I don't know about having all those sides. I've done probably 5 small cycs. My last cyc was 500/mg test e and 600/mg Eq for 14 wks.It was the biggest I've done. I love Eq but wanting to try something different. I've heard alot of good about prop and cutting. I'm dieting for summer and have drop 6% bf and 15lbs on var only 50/mg but starting to feel small and losing too much LBM so I'm wanting a good hardener,vascularity and either help me maintain size or even add 5-10lbs of lbm. So here's the Question do you all think I should say f#ck it and go with the Tren/test cyc or do prop or have advise for a cyc with what I had in mine?...Sorry such a long question but really any advise will be much appreciated...thanks
5 cycs (I think)