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Thread: test/tren/var/hgh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Cool test/tren/var/hgh

    Hey bros just joined this board, wanna see what you think of this second cycle for me. first cycle 400 mg test e about a year ago, good gains no sides. 41yr old, 5'9, 210 15% bf, wanna cut/build lean mass for summer.Some might think this a bit much for 2nd cycle I know, but not mega dosages and I have support gear, liqudex, tamox, hcg, b-6

    wk 1-12 test enan 300mg e3d
    wk 1-10 tren enan 150mg e3d
    wk 1-12 anavar 40 mg ed
    wk 1-20 hgh 4iu eod
    wk 1-20 hcg 400 iu e3d
    wk 1-12 clen 60-80ed for two weeks, two off, two on
    wk 1-12 adex .5 mg ed
    thinking of some t-3 25 mcg. ed week 1-12
    PCT with hcg and tamoxifen 20 mg ed for a month, hcg same as above

    good diet, training, water etc. most important part I know.

    Lemme know if it needs tweaking, thanks bros

  2. #2
    Sounds like overkill to me. Youd probly still gain with just test. I would watch your BP for sure with all that. Especiallly with the clen in the mix.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    thats a lot of shit for just ur second stint with AAS .......... u might wanna downsize that

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by feanor
    Hey bros just joined this board, wanna see what you think of this second cycle for me. first cycle 400 mg test e about a year ago, good gains no sides. 41yr old, 5'9, 210 15% bf, wanna cut/build lean mass for summer.Some might think this a bit much for 2nd cycle I know, but not mega dosages and I have support gear, liqudex, tamox, hcg, b-6

    wk 1-12 test enan 300mg e3d
    wk 1-10 tren enan 150mg e3d
    wk 1-12 anavar 40 mg ed
    wk 1-20 hgh 4iu eod
    wk 1-20 hcg 400 iu e3d
    wk 1-12 clen 60-80ed for two weeks, two off, two on
    wk 1-12 adex .5 mg ed
    thinking of some t-3 25 mcg. ed week 1-12
    PCT with hcg and tamoxifen 20 mg ed for a month, hcg same as above

    good diet, training, water etc. most important part I know.

    Lemme know if it needs tweaking, thanks bros

    good like with the tren... Hope it doesn't give u steroid phobia.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    thats a lot of shit for just ur second stint with AAS .......... u might wanna downsize that

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    personally i would not use the tren for a second cycle...the gh also needs to be ran at least 2-3 months before getting any benefits out of running it at the start would imo not be benefitial....just my thoughts....

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  7. #7
    I'd drop the Var and switch to Tren Acetate instead of enanthate. GH I'd run 5on2off at that dosage. Ex:

    wk 1-12 test enan 300mg e3d
    wk 1-12 tren A 50-75mg ED
    wk 1-20 hgh 2iu 5on2off (I'd start the GH 2months prior to cycle).
    wk 1-20 hcg 400 iu e3d
    wk 14-20 clen 60-80ed for two weeks, two off, two on (I'd do it with PCT to help cut and retain gains).
    wk 1-12 adex .5 mg ed
    thinking of some t-3 25 mcg. ed week 1-12 (Good choice, I always run it with Tren + GH, 25mcg/day is what I run).
    PCT with hcg and tamoxifen 20 mg ed for a month, hcg same as above (Run the nolva PCT until your sexdrive is in fullswing and you have had bloodwork done, I don't put a time-line on my PCT).

    Best of luck.

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